25. lies.

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"Dennis." She says softly.

"No, Emilie, I don't want to hear his name. You know that we are not talking about him again. I don't want that." He says

"But you can't let anyone use you like that again." She says and Dennis sighs.

“Emi.” He says and she grabs his hand.

"Dennis, please. I know you don't want to talk about him, but I don't want that happening to you ever again. You don't deserve that kind of treatment." She says and Dennis nods.

"I know." He says.

"But you didn't know at that moment. What if you don't realize it the next time." She says.

"Don't say next time. Emilie, I know more now than I knew back then. I was looking at what was wrong with me, and he took advantage of me."

"There is nothing wrong with you. Being bi or falling for a boy is not wrong." She says and Dennis smiles.

"I know that now. Em, I was seventeen and looking at what that feeling was." Dennis says and she nods.

"But still, he was a bad guy." She says

"I knew, but I still fell for him. I didn't know what I was feeling towards him. I only felt that once on school with a girl I met. And there he was and it was there again. I couldn't get enough of that feeling." Says Dennis.

"It was bad and you know it. He had you wrapped around his fingers Dennis. This can't happen again. Dennis he-"

"I know Emillie. God, I was there when it happened, and I don't want to think about it! Please stop." Says Dennis

"Arthur is not Jace." He adds and let go of her hands.

"You don't know him." She says

"I'm not looking for a relationship right now. Plus, Arthur and I would never work with our lives. He studies, and I'm traveling around the world." Dennis says.

"And yet you are here, only thinking about him, you can't sleep, and even your friends say that." Says Emillie.

"I just want to help him. Something is going on with him and I saw it last weekend. If you had seen how devastated he looked on Sunday and how he held me on Sunday when I gave him a hug. He needed that hug so bad, and then he wanted to get away from me. Like he was scared or something, I'm not sure. But that said to me that something was going on, and I want to help him." Says Dennis.

"Sometimes you can't help someone." Says Emillie.

"But I know I can help him! He needs someone that listen to him and I can be that person for him." Says Dennis and Emilie let out a sigh and looks at him.

"You wanted to help Jace too." She says.

"It's not the same." Says Dennis.

"It is. Look, Dennis you are a good person, and you want to help people, which makes you a beautiful person. But people take advantage of that." She says.

Dennis looks at his hands and sighs.

"And he is the brother of Charles Leclerc." Says Emillie and Dennis looks at her again with a questioning face.

"So?" He asks.

"He's a Leclerc, Dennis." She says.


He is lying on the couch in the living room. He hears his mother and Lorenzo talking in the background, but he can't make out the words as they whisper in the kitchen.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now