17. I can't stop thinking about him.

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U: How much fun it is to talk, I have to clean up downstairs.

Dennis_hauger: okay Cinderella

U: Oh fuck off😂

Dennis_hauger: 😂😂

Dennis_hauger: But okay I will let you leave.

U: Thank you I guess😂

U: If you want you can clean up, and I can stay in bed.

Dennis_hauger: If I was there I would, but before I get a flight and be in Monaco, we are a few hours later.

U: That's disappointing

Dennis_hauger: I know, I'm sorry 😕

U: I forgive you 😂

Dennis_hauger: Good, now go clean up 😄

U: I will, talk with you soon?

Dennis_hauger: I would love to 😁

U: Good, goodnight Dennis

Dennis_hauger: Goodnight Arthur.

Arthur smiles at his screen and then shuts his phone off, and he stares at the black screen.

He had been sitting in his bed, texting for two hours with Dennis.

Time went fast and he enjoyed texting Dennis.

He's happy he did click on accept, and he now have contact with Dennis. Although he doesn't know how long it will last, he can now enjoy spending time texting someone, and it is something he hasn't had for years by now.

He didn't hear anything from his mother anymore, no noises. Everything is awfully quite.

Neither did he hear anything from his brothers.

He stood up from his bed and started to head back down stairs. The place stinks with alcohol and it is a mess.

“Where do I need to start.” Signs Arthur when he puts on the lights and he sees the messy living room.

Shards of glass lie on the ground. Wet spots on the sofa, table and on the floor. She dropped alcohol everywhere.

He walks back to the kitchen to grab a garbage bag, and then he goes back to the living room to start cleaning up the glass shards.

His eyes fall on the clock, and he sighs, it's getting late and tomorrow is another school day, his alarm goes off early. But he knows if he doesn't clean this up, tomorrow will be even more fun than today.

As soon as he throws it smoothly into the garbage bag, he hears the breaking sound of the glass and he freezes and then looks at the stairs.

It's quiet, you hear the wind from outside, but you don't hear anything else. Everything from above is silent. He continues cleaning up and tries to do it as quietly as possible to make as little noise as possible. The last thing he wants is to wake his mother up with all the noises.

Not that she will wake up with how much she has drunk.

He cleans the couch and table with soapy water as much as possible. The table is easy, but he has no idea how to clean the couch. The wet stain gets bigger because he cleans it. Let's hope it dries well and doesn't remain a stain. It's a fabric sofa so it would be very ugly.

While he is cleaning the couch he gets between the two cushions and withdraws his hand in pain. With his other hand, he removes the cushions and finds more glass shards.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now