20. I remember it all too well.

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"We need to talk." Says Lorenzo and Arthur frowns and his eyes went from Lorenzo to his mother.

"What are you doing here? You were in Spain with Charles?"

"Yes I was, but sit down, we need to talk, the three of us." Says Lorenzo and Arthur sits down on the sofa.

"What did you tell him?" Asks Arthur when he noticed the angry look on Lorenzo's face and a look he couldn't explain on his mother's one.

"You called us a lot, and later we got a call back from Maman. Explain." Says Lorenzo and Arthur looks at his mother.

"Did you tell him the truth?" Arthur asks, and she nods, and she looks at Lorenzo and then back at her younger son.

"She told me everything, Arthur. And now I want to hear your story why you did it." Says Lorenzo and that made Arthur frown.

"Did what? She was drunk and-"

“Oh my gosh!” Lorenzo stands up with his hand in his hair and looks in disbelief at Arthur.

"You really gonna tell me she was the one who was drunk?" He asks angry and Arthur's mouth fell open and then looks at his mother.

"What did you tell him? Mama what the hell is going on!" Asks Arthur now also standing up himself.

"Like you don't know! I can't handle you being so drunk everytime anymore. You are aggressive and makes my life so hard. You make it look like you are a victim, made my weekend and from the boys so hard with making us feel guilty. You wrap us around your finger to destroy us every way you can think of." She's not screaming but also not just talking.

Arthur can throw up when he sees the tears in her eyes.

"I was not the one drunk and you know damn well, Maman. You were here with a lot of wine bottles around you, empty and screaming at me, throwing glass towards me. Blaming me for everything-"

"Stop it!" Screams Lorenzo and Arthur look at him.

"Stop blaming her, be a fucking man and say the truth Arthur! On Saturday you also came back drunk and wounded. We have no idea what you do behind our backs, and now you fall out to Maman and say she is lying. While you were the one who was drunk!" Says Lorenzo

"Do you have proven of me being drunk? I was at school yesterday and I didn't drink anything. Lorenzo, I'm not lying, she is! You have to believe me."

"Why would I? Arthur you are not like you used to be."

"That's not my fault." Says Arthur and tears starts to burn in his eyes.

She told him and probably Charles too that he was the one who was drunk. Who drunks all the time, throws glass at someone else and screams. He did it.

She told him he was the one who did that.

"I called you a lot and sent you a messages where I was asking you for help. You ignored me and now this? If you picked up and not ignored me then you would have known the truth!" Arthur screams back.

I asked for help and you weren't there.

"Don't play that card! We were busy and I couldn't pick up. You know that!" Says Lorenzo.

"But you can read the messages I sent both of you. Both of you read it and still choose to ignore me when I'm asking for help." Says Arthur.

"We called back." Says Lorenzo.

"The day after! I needed you that moment and you two read it and left me on read. What you said about being here for me was bullshit. I called you, and then you could have heard her screaming. I asked for help, and you didn't give a fuck." Arthur screams and his throat hurt already for the screaming but also the emotions he feels, it's burning.

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