7. Moody teenager

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"That's not true." Whispers Charles and Arthur look away. He bites his cheek hard to hold back tears.

Crying is showing how weak you are.

"You weren't even there when I graduated, neither was Maman. I had to tell my teacher that I was alone and didn't have to get a family picture because no one was there. I finished high school on my own and had no one to celebrate with. Seeing all my classmates with their families, they were hugged by their families, got flowers and all shit like that. I didn't need flowers but I really wanted a hug back then. We got a book from school of that day and there were a lot of family pictures, my name was on there with a red cross."

It hurts to think about it, he never felt so alone then he did that day.

"Don't try to make us feel bad." Says Charles

"I don't, I'm trying to say to you were it went wrong. I had no one but myself and since that day, I've been mad and nobody cared. I was not a difficult teenager but a boy who was mad at all of you and there it went wrong with Maman. I wasn't bad, I was mad and never hated you all so much like I did and still do, and Charles, that feeling will never go away, I will forever hate you all for leaving me like I'm nobody to you."

"You know I had no chance to come, I had a race."

"Charles you don't even know when it was? I tried calling you and Lorenzo but you two never picked up. Yes I sent you two a message too but you never replied so you didn't even care. And so you know, you didn't have a race, I checked that before I asked you." Says Arthur.

"Since we are here, the only thing you do is blaming me and Lorenzo for so many things." Says Charles and Arthur looks him in the eye.

"You come in here saying you don't know what to believe anymore because me and Maman are both saying different things. And then you say to me that I was a difficult teenager. You haven't even seen me in my teenage years, Charles. You were never here and don't know a fucking thing!" Shoutouts Arthur.

He was done with this conversation, it's early in the morning and you put this on my plate.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Maman walks in and Arthur sits up.

"Nothing, Charles was just leaving." Arthur says and walks to his wardrobe to grab some clothes.

"I heard shouting." She says.

"And it doesn't matter. I want to take a shower, so if you two can leave, please." Says Arthur.

"We're leaving in an hour." Says Charles.

"Be my guest. Good luck on your qualification later." Says Arthur and turns around again.

"You're not coming?" Asks Charles, and Arthur stares in front of him in the closet.

"I don't know Charles, maybe I will be that difficult moody teenager you think I am. I can spare you that." Snaps Arthur.

"Don't speak to your brother like that." Snaps his mother back and Arthur squeezes the door of his closet. He sees his knuckles turn white, and he feels a vibration in his throat.

"Maman, it's okay." He hears Charles say.

"Not it's not Char, he has no right to speak to you like that." Says Maman and Arthur grabs his stuff and storms past them towards the bathroom.

"Arthur, come here!" Shouts his mother, but Arthur slams the door behind him and then locks it so she can't walk in.

"You better open that door right now!" She says.

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