28. Shall I call him? No. Yes?

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Arthur lays his phone bed and turns around to his side. He saw the notification of Dennis on his screen again and he wants to look at it. But at the same time he really wants to go to sleep.

Sleep has not been a lot in the few days and after today, he's up.

Arthur opens Instagram and he looks at Dennis his name. 15+ messages.

Dennis_hauger: My sister surprised me this weekend.

Dennis_hauger: I didn't know she would come 😄

Dennis_hauger: How are you?

Dennis_hauger: Are you watching this weekend again? Then I know I need to do my best haha.

Dennis_hauger: It's been a few hours, are you okay?

Dennis_hauger: I hope you're okay, let me know when you see this.

Dennis_hauger: It's almost 24 hours and I haven't heard anything from you.

Dennis_hauger: Be safe, please.

Dennis_hauger: You probably think I'm a weirdo now.

Dennis_hauger: I've been talking with my sister about you, how I think a lot about you and I don't know why.

Dennis_hauger: Maybe I do know.

Dennis_hauger: I know something is going on with you. I saw it in Monaco, and I've been thinking about I hope you're okay.

Dennis_hauger: And now I haven't heard from you in 24 hours while you always answered so fast.

Dennis_hauger: I hope you're okay.

Dennis_hauger: call me +47 ********

Arthur signs and looks at the phone number. He never thought that Dennis would be worried. He didn't even know Arthur so well, so why would he be worried about someone not responding? Dennis had no idea what is going on and yes, on Sunday last weekend, Arthur was upset and Dennis hugged him. But Dennis wouldn't worry about him because of that. Everyone has a bad day sometimes, right? Did he look so miserable?

Shall he call Dennis, see if he picks up the phone? But he can also just message the man. He has a race weekend in front of him, he has to race tomorrow. So all Arthur would be doing is bothering him.

He looks at the clock and sees how it is already 10 o'clock. Maybe the other boy is already asleep or ready to go to, and then Arthur will wake him.

Plus, his family is with him, so he also be busy. Spending time with his sister who surprised him with coming. It will be rude for him to ruin the time they have together.

But Dennis asked him to call him, right? He said call me.

Maybe he didn't mean it.

With a big sign, he turns to his side and presses his face against the pillow.

He hears his mother's voice downstairs, a friend of hers has come over, and since Arthur came home he immediately went to his room.

His mind is on the two girls in the museum, and even though he is angry with his mother. All he wants is that he could sit with her, they could talk and he could express his feelings. Without arguing.

All he wants is to have a hug from his mother.

Her saying everything will be alright.

All he wants is to have a hug from her, he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to be angry at her.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now