30. I'm trying

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"Baby Leclerc!"

Arthur laughs and grabs the arms that are holding his waist while he gets spun around.

"How are you doing?" Asks Pierre when he sets Arthur back on the ground.

"I'm good, and you? You look happy." Says Arthur when he turned around.

"I'm good, and of course I'm happy when I see you. What good that you are here this weekend." Jokes Pierre and Arthur smiles.

Pierre never fails to make him laugh.

"Didn't have much choice huh, with two brothers here." Says Arthur and he sees how Pierre looks at his brothers behind him. He raises an eyebrow and Arthur gives him a smile.

"We are going to make it a good weekend." Says Pierre and gives Arthur a wink. The younger boy his smile widened, and he looked behind him.

He sees how Charles is looking a bit annoyed and Arthur hates himself how happy it made him feel. He can Pierre use a lot to piss them off.

"I'm sure of that." Says Arthur.

"Are you with Ferrari?" Asks Pierre and Arthur nods.

“Lorenzo arranged that.” Says Arthur.

"Weren't we talking about him going to Alpine?" Asks Pierre towards Charles and Lorenzo.

Charles looked even more annoyed now after Pierre said that.

"Me going with you?" Ask Arthur.

"No, we thought it would be better if he went with us. But it's nice that you suggested it." Says Charles.

"Well you know to find me if things don't go that well." Says Pierre towards Charles.

"Wait you know about it?'' Asks Arthur and Pierre nods and looks at Charles.

"Someone had to calm your brother down after you went missing, little shit." Says Pierre while ruffling his hair

"I guess so." Says Arthur while fixing his hair

"Well this has been fun, but we need to go, Arthur." Says Charles.

"Can't I go with you?'' Asks Arthur to Pierre who lets out a chuckle.

"I want to stay on the good side of your brother." Says Pierre and Arthur rolls with his eyes.

"Hey, we're going out for dinner tonight. Can't you join us?" Arthur asks.

"I made a reservation for three people. Maybe next time." Says Charles.

"You can call to change it to four? It's still early." Says Arthur with a questioning tone.

"Next time, alright. This weekend is young. We will see each other a lot more. Enjoy your dinner with you three together." Says Pierre.

"I'm sure I will." Says Arthur sarcastically, and Pierre lets out a laugh.

"Be kind to your brothers." Says Pierre and Arthur looks at him with a grin.

"Always, you know me." Says Arthur.

"You went from this angel child to this cheeky teenager." Says Pierre and again, he is ruffling Arthur's hair and then sprint away when Arthur slams his arm away.

"Are you done?'' Asks Charles and the smile fades from Arthur's face, and he looks at his brother annoyed.

"No, I'm still here and it's only Thursday. It's not only going to be a long weekend for you." Says Arthur and then starts to walk after Lorenzo.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now