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Chapter 1: Pain

"There's a serial killer around" 

"wow that's new"

"c'mon, Hyung! Be serious!!" The boy named 'Yang Jeongin' whined." what? it's most likely Ablazetus' doings" Jeongin's hyung who goes by 'Han Jisung' made an unamused expression. "That is the point! It's. not. Ablazetus'. doing!" He poured stress on every single word. 

"As If I care" Jisung stuck his tongue out "Okay I swear I am living with a five-year-old" Jeongin groaned. 

"What are you guys talking about?" A buff yet small guy joined their conversation 

"Did you hear about the serial killer?" Jeongin titled his head "Mhm" The small guy that goes by 'Seo Changbin' nodded 

"Well, that is what I am saying to Jisung Hyung but he is just- Ugh!"Jeongin threw a fist in the air. Changbin chuckled at his behavior before looking at Jisung with those eyes that tend to have a tint of sadness.

"Jisung you need to take these things seriously" Changbin scolded the squirrel boy who was now grabbing his jacket. "I know and I do. I am going for a walk by the way" Jisung smiled softly before taking his leave. 

Jisung was attacked with the bitterly cold wind as soon as he opened the door. It was freezing yet a 19 year boy was out at 10 pm 'For a walk' he said. 

It was freezing but still was uncomfortably comfortable. He slowly took one step after another admiring the view. It was beautiful but scary because everything is scary when silence is the loudest.

It was silent.

It was not new to him. At this hour nobody dared to open their window. 'It's the hour of flames' They all say. 

Why? cause that's when the members of Ablazetus also known as Flames, are out, Doing god knows what. But still, this 19-year-old boy dared to go out EVERY night. He is not scared, he couldn't care less. In this silence, all you could hear were sniffles.

Yes, Jisung was crying. He didn't know why, that is why it hurt so much. He kept his expression dead. No, his eyebrows were not furrowed, His nose was not scrunched up, and There were only tears whose answers were still not found.


Crying over a stupid reason


"Stop it!" Jisung gripped his hair. he just thought crying wouldn't solve anything. No matter how much he tried the tears wouldn't stop. Small crystal-like tears escaped his eyes one after another. Frustrated, His legs moved on his own and he started walking fast only to stop by a pond. 

This pond had many lotus in it, That is why jisung loved it. They are his favorite flowers, lotus.

Jisung is a type of guy you will think as cold as fuck. He keeps his emotions straight. Never in his life smiled at anybody in school except his friends of course. But his heart cannot bear stress and commentary. He is the kindest person you will ever meet. 

Do you know the reason why he is crying? "What is this feeling?! I want it to go away!! Why wouldn't it budge?!!" He wiped his tears. He is scared, Scared of this feeling that is getting up to him lately, Scared that he will lose his scholarship, Scared that jeongin and changbin will be disappointed, and Scared of their reactions when they find out that jisung got beaten up by his bully to the point where some stranger had to drag him today?

This feeling is making him uneasy these days, like something is going to happen, Something frightening. That will shake him. A huge wave of terror that'll take everyone down

He was feeling extremely frustrated that he gave himself a break and let the tears fall. The warm liquid streamed drop by drop on his cheeks to his hands which were rested on his lap in a tight fist. He bit his lips stopping himself to make a sound. 

He suppressed the impulse to bite his lips so harshly to make them bleed. Because he knew, no matter how much he denied it, somebody was waiting for him at home who would be worried when they saw the red liquid flowing from his plum lips.

After 5 minutes he stopped crying and stared at his reflection in the pond. "I should get home"


"Jisungie hyung wake upp~"


"HAN JISUNG WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" jeongin lost his patience so he pulled jisung's blanket in an attempt to make jisung wake up but looks like that jisung was gripping the blanket so tightly that he got carried away with the blanket and fell on his butt. 

He groaned and stood up placing his hand on the bed for support. "What the hell?" He winced when he felt a sharp pain in his right arm 

"Get ready fast or else I am also going to be late" Jeongin rolled his eyes and walked out. Jisung quickly went into the bathroom and did his morning routine. He shoved a toast in his mouth closing the door behind. Jisung started high school one year late so, jeongin and he can be in the same year. He always felt the need to protect the younger from this so-called cruel world.

He didn't let anyone bully him instead got himself into the mess. When they entered they were met with weird stares mostly towards jisung, it wasn't new besides it was less.

 Usually, people even shout weird names at jisung not caring one bit. As it was their last year changbin was not there with them, he was the main source of money for the house. Jeongin and jisung also work but they have night shifts. 

Changbin works at a café, jeongin works as a waiter, and jisung works at a hotel cleaning. They earn quite a lot from this. they have everything. 

Everything but ...Romantic love.

They care for each other a lot and love each other a lot yet, they hide some things from each other. Jeongin has friends in school besides jisung. 

Jisung often prefers to sit alone. 'you enjoy, it's gonna be awkward if I will be there' He says this all the time whenever Jeongin invites him to sit with him and his friends. The day went by quickly and nothing much happened, just the boring lectures. 

Right now, jisung was sitting at the corner table with his headphones on with his notebook in his hands. He writes lyrics, Makes sentences rhyme, and writes them in his notebook just for fun. it makes him happy.

Jeongin was sitting with his friends Soobin, Beomgyu, and Kai. These three are fun to be around. they were not like other students that made fun of jisung but his behavior still concerned them even though they never talked to him.

"Jeongin, do you know why he is like that? His behavior makes me worried a bit. Not trying to be nosy though" Soobin added the last part to not make it rude.

"It's nothing, It just pain changes people, some become rude and some become silent"

Some choose the wrong path while some get stuck in a life that is a living hell. 


I hope my stories are becoming better.

Sorry for the grammar, English is not my first language. 

If you like the chapter don't forget to vote and comment

I couldn't wait any longer so I published it today


🥚❤️ :>

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