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Chapter 9: Rage

The color red is frequently associated with anger, hatred, aggression, and war. But it is also associated with the heart, which is the center of love and emotions.

Jisung's red blood now smeared the dirty tile. He felt rage and hatred but only to save his loved ones. He couldn't care that what he was going to do next would be in front of the most frightening mafia in Asia. Tears couldn't stop, they were shredding uncontrollably as if it was raining in the monsoon season. He never in his life felt so vulnerable and uncertain but he knew well that he needed to protect him. He must protect Jeongin. He was helpless and all he could do was beg and to protect Joengin, he would do it.

Jisung wiped his tears and stood up suppressing a sob. "I-I- Blaze.." He locked his eyes with Minho who looked at him intensely. With trembly hands, he clasped them together and closed his eyes "Please.. please blaze. Let me go..." He cried. "Let you go?" Minho shook his head and sighed "I told you before smoke. No, and don't protest. I don't want to fight you" Minho didn't look at Jisung and kept a poker face. "H-he is young" Minho raised his eyebrow in confusion "J-Jeongin. He is like my-Our younger brother...He is childish Blaze...He must be so scared and freaked right now. We never left him alone. Blaze please, Please let me go...I want him. He needs me...If not me then Leave Changbin Hyung. I'll stay here a-and be a flame b-but please let Changbin Hyung go...P-please" Jisung's voice cracked. He couldn't meet Blaze's gaze. He kept his head down. Never in his life, would he've begged someone like this? 

He felt humiliated.

But he couldn't care less until Jeongin was safe and sound. He slowly lifted his head when he didn't get a response. His stomach twisted when he saw Minho's lips turn up into a small evil smirk.

A wicked one.

"You want to meet Jeongin...As in you want Jeongin to be near you?" Minho spoke in an unusually sweet tone "Well dear Cinderella, Let me be your godmother and fulfill your dream but You won't be going to Jeongin. Jeongin will be coming to you" Jisung felt a flood of anger ruching inside him. His face contorted with rage. He erupted "You wouldn't dare," Jisung said with a smile "Wait and see. I sure will" Minho shot back a smile "Please.." Jisung hands started shaking. He looked like he was about to cry again and he did but this time he was crying out of rage. The tears flowed but his expression remained the same, his jaw remained clenched. "I will do what I want." Minho mocked these words at Jisung's face. This was the last straw for Jisung. He grabbed Minho's collar harshly and pulled him dangerously close. 

"Don't" He warned "Jisung," Minho growled. "Why can't you understand?! You don't know what love is right?! That is why you're doing this to me! To jeongin!! Let us go blaze. I swear-I-I will not open my mouth at all but Let me go!! Let me be selfish and-I-I" Jisung whimpered. He hit minho's chest several times but Minho didn't budge. Finally, Jisung gave up. He started crying louder, His hand slowed down, hitting Minho's chest, and rested there. Jisung's head unconsciously leaned in and rested on Minho's shoulder. Minho hesitantly lifted his hands and placed them on Jisung's head. Felix swore he saw Minho's eyes glossy for a second but he shrugged off the thought and kept looking at Jisung with teary eyes. 

And then, Jisung stopped shaking. He passed out on Minho. Minho didn't look at anyone and picked him up and left the headquarters.

He placed him on the passenger seat, leaning to put on a seat belt. He stopped when he felt Jisung's breath right on his lips. His eyes averted from the seat belt lock and went to Jisung's face. He saw a bruise right on Jisung's jaw where he picked him up from. He softly touched it, eyes going wide at how soft his skin was. He softly caressed it until his thumb traveled to Jisung's lips. His breath hitched when he touched them. Unconsciously he leaned in. Their lips were only an inch apart. Minho heartbeat paced up. As soon as he realised what he was doing he backed away and coughed. He looked around trying to see if someone saw him. His eyes locked on Jisung. He rolled his eyes trying his best to avoid how fast his heart was beating.

 "Why can't you understand?! You don't know what love is right?! That is why you're doing this to me!"

This word kept ringing in Minho's head. Too loud for his liking that he could hardly hear his thoughts. He sighed and placed Jisung on the bed. He reached his hand out and hesitantly placed it on top of Jisung's head. He pulled out a chip kind of thing from Jisung's hair. The chip was like a midazolam injection, An injection that is used to put someone to sleep. But this chip makes people unconscious. He grabbed his phone and looked for a certain contact. The other person on the line picked up the phone.

"Yang Jeongin. Get him. You'll get the information from Taehyun"


Jeongin didn't know what to do, all he could do was freak out.

He was terrified. "W-where are you hyung?" He whimpered. He was all alone for the very first time in his life ever since he met Jisung and Changbin. The police took Seungmin with them for some questions and answers. It has been 2 days, 2 days since Jisung went missing, 2 days since they came to Seoul, and 1 day since Changbin went missing. There was a knock on a door that startled Jeongin. He wiped his tear suppressing another sob reached out to open the door. When he opened the door, he was met by a man shorter than him in all black. First Jeongin got scared of him but when the man removed his mask, he was left speechless. He straightened his wrinkled shirt with his hands and ran his hand through his hair. "Hi," The man spoke.

"A-are y-you-" Jeongin was cut off by a chuckle. The man chuckled and smiled showing his dimples "Yeah I am Bang Chan" 


"Hey hey keep it down yeah?"

"W-why are you here?" Jeongin played with his sweater paw. "My fans. They were following me a while ago. Then I caught a glimpse of this mansion and all the lights were off except the living room so I thought maybe there might be fewer people there. Can you please let me stay for a night? If there is nobody" Chan awkwardly smiled "Uh- I guess?" Jeongin tilted his head. Chan's eyes softened and a frown crept its way on his face when he saw eyes red and dark circles on Jeongin's face. His lips were formed in a pout and his hands were clutching his sweater paws.

"How old are you?" Chan spoke when he sat on the couch. "18," He said shyly. Chan felt a pang of guilt in his heart. He couldn't do it. he couldn't kidnap Jeongin. That is what his heart and mind say but he needs to do it. That's what Minho said. 

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