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Chapter 10: Tears

What if all this was a nightmare? and the only way to break this nightmare was to wake up.

Jisung stirred awake and slowly stood up. He looked around not able to recognize the environment. It wasn't his room, he gladly knew that. His room had purple LED not red. And his bed had a platform. Soon, all the past incidents flooded at once. He gripped his hair "Fuck!" No matter how many times he wakes up, he won't be able to escape this nightmare because now his life has become his worst nightmare. It was still raining. The windows muffled the sound of the rain that was hitting on the glass. 

His body went limp and he plopped on the headrest. He stared at nothing waiting for the tears to flow but they never came. He knew very well what the reason was. It hurts, It hurts the most when you know that you cried so much that no more tears are left. He took a shaky breath in and chuckled dryly. "I-I failed again...Didn't I?" He spoke out almost in a whisper. Slap!.

He slapped himself "You fucking good for nothing!" He punched himself "How could you!!" Slap "How fucking could you!??" He pulled his hair "How could you fail Jisung?!" He asked himself. "I understand it now! I fucking understand it now! In this rain, my happiness burns! My friend's happiness burns! and I couldn't blow it out! why?!" Tears are endless. But sometimes they become endless. The condition makes it. He was crying again and he hated it. Will he cry in all the chapters of his life? Will he never get his happiness? Will someone-"Smoke!" Minho barged in. Minho eyes roamed around Jisung's body looking for any injury "Why were you crying?" He spoke softly yet coldly. He sighed when he didn't get any response. He slowly went forward "Don't come near me" Jisung spoke coldly without looking at him. "Smok-"

"Stop calling me that!" Minho flinched at the sudden outburst. "What is wrong-" Minho got cut off again. "Tell me! Tell me how do you feel?! Ruining someone's life!? You never had someone you love right?! You never had a responsibility right?!! That is why you can do all this without any hesitation?!" Jisung yelled almost at the top of his lungs "Get out" Minho said looking down, his hair hiding his face "I said GET OUT! You are the one who failed to protect your friends! Don't fucking lash out at me!! A single gun. A single shot and you'll be dead but no! You have got some guts! Jisung you failed...Now fucking get out of my room." Minho went inside his bathroom leaving a frozen Jisung there. Jisung was stunned not because of his lash out but because he swore he saw minho's eyes glossy. He ran out of the room and went inside his. His legs gave in and he fell. Leaning against the wall, he cried and yelled.

No matter how much minho tried. He couldn't stop his tears. He looked at himself in the mirror stunned at how he was crying again after a long time. 'Don't worry, I'll protect you. you're my responsibility now' These words rang in minho's head. "I failed.." A tear escaped his eyes and after that one after another found their way to escape. 'No matter how much you believe that the night is endless but in the end, the dawn surely has to come' Voices rang in minho's head. He went outside his bathroom and leaned on the wall slowly sliding down. He could hear Jisung's cries very well and he hated it. He hated how those eyes were crying because of him. That night they both cried and leaned against the same wall but in different rooms.

Jisung cried harshly and Minho cried silently. 

But both held the same amount of suffering. 


"U-Uh w-what should I call you?" Jeongin tilted his head "Hyung will do" Chan smiled "Okay Channie Hyung" He smiled for the very first time in front of Chan. "Why were your eyes swollen and red, if you don't mind me asking" Chan gulped at his questions "M-my friend-no friends. They both went missing all of a sudden. They both are my hyungs and never left me alone so I was terrified and the caretaker of this house was taken with the police. So I am alone" Jeongin eyes became teary again but he quickly wiped them and looked at Chan "Hey Channie Hyung?" Chan just hummed, he was too busy having an internal battle about whether he should kidnap this bean or not. "C-can I have your autograph?" Chan's eyes dilated when he heard what the latter had said: "You are my fan?" Chan knew it very well. Taehyun hacked into Jeongin's device and saw his search history filled with Chan. Though Chan doubted him for a moment because when he knocked at the door, Jeongin didn't seem to be excited. 

Chan thought the disappearance of Jeongin's Hyung made him sad which is why the boy was miles away from the emotion of being excited. The younger shyly nodded. Chan chuckled at his behavior not because he was acting, The chuckles that came out were somehow genuine and he knew it well making him feel warm from inside.

"Hey, I didn't get your name" 

"O-oh! Yeah! I forgot! Um-uh I-I am Yang jeongin" Chan's smile grew wider. He found the shuttering cute. "By the way, Channie Hyung you can sleep in my room," Jeongin said "No, no The couch is comfy" Chan grabbed the pillow that was nearby "You are a star! I can't imagine you sleeping on a couch "Jeongin shook his head "But it's alright~hey wait- There might be many rooms here right?" He stood up "Oh-yeah" 

"Then can I have one of them? I don't want to kick you out of your room" He knew it. He knew that jeongin was not attached to his room as they came to Seoul a few days ago and he felt bad.

He felt bad that the boy was alone in this huge ass city. Jeongin hesitantly nodded. He leads him to a room. When he was about to twist the knob, His hands came to a halt. This room was of Jisung's. A room that was only used for hours but still managed to contain the mark of its owner. When Jeongin made sure that Chan was settled he went to his. Jeongin sighed and leaned on his door before closing it.

"2 a.m" Chan read out the time displayed on the clock. He got out of the warm blanket and opened his door slowly making sure nobody was there. He took slow steps towards Jeongin's room and opened the door making sure not to let the door make a creak sound. Seungmin was not home yet as he was already kidnapped by the police or you can say Flames disguised as police.

When he opened the door wide enough he perked up and grabbed his gun. Jeongin was not in the bed. "Channie Hyung" He turned around and was startled to see Jeongin with arms crossed. His heart ceased. He pointed the gun at Jeongin, The gun almost touching Jeongin's temple "Don't worry, I know you are or you work with the person who kidnapped Jisung and Changbin Hyung" He spoke so calmly scaring Chan for a second. "How?" Chan's voice deepened 

"Do you think a famous actor will show up at your door and ask to stay a night just after the night when your friends went missing?" Jeongin raised his eyebrow "I knew it from the start."

"Sorry Jeongin but I need you to make you-"

"No need to make unconscious. Take me with you. To them"

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