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Chapter 26: Promise

Minho acted as if what Hyunjin did, didn't affect him.

But he was hurt.

He trusted him but his actions said otherwise, yet here is Minho willing to know the reason behind those actions.

Hyunjin and Seungmin were both tied up and unconscious. Minho was broken out of his trance when a hand touched his back. He turned around to see Jisung. Jisung opened his arms, nudging his head in his direction. 

A small smile formed on Minho's lips. He accepted the hug, burying his face in Jisung's neck. "I trusted him Jisung, I trusted him" He whispered "I am sure you trusted the right person" Jisung reassured.

"Minho?-" They both pulled apart hearing Hyunjin's voice. They saw Hyunjin and Seungmin awake. 

"Oh Hyunjin and Seungmin. You guys are awake" Minho said with a smile, his vulnerable side hidden "Minho why are we tied up??"  Hyunjin questioned 

"Don't worry about that. It's just we found out who killed Jisung's grandfather and we wanted to break the news to both of you. Especially you Seungmin as you were his caretaker" Minho said, grabbing a chair and sitting right in front of them. 

Jisung slowly backed up not wanting to be here. "Jisung wait." He halted when he heard Minho's voice "You need to know the reason" and came back, standing right beside Minho. 

"What way is this to break a news to someone?" Seungmin asked, surprisingly his voice being nonchalant "Oh Seungmin, now let me finish. Will you?" Minho chuckled his laugh nothing but mocking.

"Why?" Minho ducked his head in Hyunjin's direction. "Why did you kill him?" He said, his voice barely above a whisper "What are you talking about Minho? Did I kill him? What proof do you have?!" Hyunjin knew, there might be a possibility that Minho didn't have any proof and by fooling Hyunjin he was going to confirm it.

Minho smiled "Hyunjin in November, you were in Australia am I right?" Hyunjin nodded "And Seungmin, as the duty of a caretaker you had to stay with Han beom suk 24/7. And in November 2023 you were in Seoul?" Seungmin hesitantly nodded. 

"Then why were you two in Japan Hosu University where the serial killer's first murder was attempted?" Minho's voice got deeper, he stared right into their eyes. The way their body stiffened was enough to confirm this.

"Listen," Hyunjin started "I know where this is going and I think I deserve a chance to explain." 

"Hyunjin-" Jisung budged in "Please tell me why you did this wasn't intentional... please." He didn't know if would be able to bear the truth was was going to unfold but all he could do was hope that what they had done wasn't what they meant, he couldn't even think what would happen to them if they had a wicked reason behind it.

"Seungmin boyfriend."

Minho kept his face neutral at the news, not even moving a nerve "He was forced by...a member of West Hail." Hyunjin paused and looked at Seungmin

 "I came from a family who has been assassins for decades. We work for ourselves, our identity remains hidden. I was sick of it so I made a run and escaped. But then a few months later a man came up to me saying he would tell my family my whereabouts...if I wouldn't do what he says-

-I told that to Hyunjin. He came to Japan in a heartbeat and helped me find out who was. After a lot of searching the only thing we found out about him was that he was a member of West Hail. I did what he told me to. Kill...and then 1 murder turned to 13 and then...Hyunjin told me about you Minho...That you were looking for me. The man gave me a last mission and that was Jisung's grandfather" Seungmin stopped feeling very overwhelmed at the moment.

"It's okay Seung I'll continue" Hyunjin gave him a broken smile "I didn't want Seungmin to get in trouble so I asked him to pretend to be the caretaker when the police were there and Yes, I-...I was the one who killed your grandfather...Surprisingly the police didn't investigate this as deeply as we thought and I guess that is why you were able to track that it was me....I- I know a sorry isn't enough but I am sorry-"

"Oh thank the lord" Minho fell to his knees, and he hid his face in his hands. Jisung crouched down, His tears streaming down his cheeks. "It's okay Minho. Everything's okay. Hyunjin and Seungmin are innocent."

Minho hugged Jisung, silently crying. The door opened revealing Chan, Jeongin, and a crying Felix and surprisingly crying Changbin.

Chan untied both of them "You did so so well Hyunjin. So well." Chan smiled at him. 

Seungmin released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "You forgive us?" At this, Jisung stood up and slapped him on the arm "Of course!!" Jisung hugged him.

Hyunjin looked at Minho who smiled at him. "I need a hug too!" Felix crashed at Jisung and Seung-min and one by one all of them joined the hug.

This hug said a thousand words, apologizes, and promises. 

A promise that they will always be 8.

A promise that now this mess that made them one will be addressed as a blessing.

A promise that will never leave each other.

Chan pulled apart and stared at all of them crying and hugging each other, their eyes shut.

"I promise your suffering will end now. You all have gone through a lot. A fucking lot" Chan whispered.

.    .    .   .

Taehyun nodded at Yeonjun who took it as a yes and knocked at the door. 

They were in Busan. So far, they didn't find anything relevant but they were trying their best. They waited for a while before the door opened revealing a tall boy, He tilted his head confused "Who are you two?" He said, his voice was gentle.

"Hi, I am Taehyun" He stuck his hand out for a handshake. The boy hesitantly shook his hand. Taehyun waited for Yeonjun to introduce but when he didn't hear anything from the latter he nudged him "Uh- Yeah I-I am Yeonjun and A-are you single?- I MEAN What's your name?" He shuttered all over.

The boy chuckled at his behavior, cute dimples forming on his cheeks 

"I am Soobin" 

What will happen if I suddenly die?


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