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Chapter 32: Over

Jeonsuk laughed "Well hello there Jisung" He moved forward to Jisung "Or should I say, Peter?" He kicked Jisung.

"Who the fuck are you?" He was losing blood. at this point, he was sure he was dead.

But he will not die without knowing the reason behind Minho's words and-

How was Lee Know still alive?

"You don't remember me? That's a shame" Jeonsuk said, "Well, it would be bad if I did not introduce myself, Yeah?" Jisung could only glare at the man who was doing nothing but mocking him.

"I am Lee Jeonsuk. Father of Lee Minho also known as Lee Know. oh! Your childhood best friend who you thought was dead and now your ex who is as good as dead. I used to be your principal. Does it ring a bell?" A smile twists his face at the shock on Jisung. 

"It was your fault" He gritted his teeth "It was your fault. If you didn't befriended with my son. Everything would've been perfect. He stopped training and simply refused to be the leader of Amber, Now Ablazetus. Why?! Because you fucking told to 'Follow his heart'...fucking bullshit" 

Jeonsuk scoffed "So I did what I should've done earlier, Kill you. I told Mi Chae, Minho's mother who I also wanted dead as she was just like you. Manipulating my son-"

"It was not manipulating...She was showing him the right way" Jeonsuk barks out a laugh "Wow Jisung...just wow. There is no doubt you are going to be dead. The amount of blood you have lost makes it clear but still your filthy mouth can't stop." Jisung's hand shakes as he balled them into fists, Nails cutting into his palms.

"I made Mi Chae set the building on fire and to make sure you were inside the building. But she sent you away and instead burned herself to ashes. Minho looked up to me for the first time when I told him the fire wasn't an accident, A secret agent of West Hail set that building on fire when there was never a secret agent. It was me who did this.-

-It is me who is the leader of West Hail. I made Minho doubt that you were that secret agent and then told the members of West Hail to protect when Minho was there and called you...Agent"

Angry wasn't a strong enough word for the emotion coursing through Jisung when he looked at the man in front of him.

The pain from his injuries was still throbbing, but in that moment, it was nothing compared to the intense emotions that were coursing through him.

The man that stood in front of him was undoubtedly A Monster, A sinner...A psychopath.

"You...are f-fucking sick" Jeonsuk huffs as if this was amusing him "Right...I am but at least I have everything going in my way" He paused, a sneer twisting his face.

"I'll take my leave. As much as I want to kill you. I would love to see you die painfully and slowly...as long as you're suffering"

"Time is ticking. Grief the loss of Minho once again and then say goodbye" Jeonsuk snickered. 

Jisung's vision blurred and he saw Jeonsuk's figure leaving until it fully disappeared. With all the energy left in him, he let out a loud cry.

He wanted to be in Minho's arms, Telling him that everything was going to be alright.

Even though Jisung knew he was dying, he could only think about Minho and how much he would suffer now as the older was nothing but dead on the inside.

He wanted him to tell him everything but he can't.

As the minute passed, Jisung realized it was the end when his vision turned black.

"I...am sorry...Minho"

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