Silent Cry🥀

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Chapter 3: Silent Cry

Jeongin called changbin to pick them up as he was not able to calm jisung down. Changbin rushed to them and took them home. Jisung hugged changbin tightly. "It's gonna be alright, Shh" He stroked his hair gently.

 Jisung didn't care that he was crying like a baby. After a straight hour of crying, he got tired and soon drifted off to sleep in his Hyung's arms. Jeongin and changbin exchanged looks of concern. 

When changbin saw tears forming in Jeongin's eyes. 

He motioned his hand to join the hug. Jeongin broke down and ran to changbin for a hug. They soon fell asleep cuddling each other.

When jisung woke up it was 3 a.m. He rubbed his eyes and got himself out of changbin's grasp. when he recalled what happened he felt guilty. 

It's been 7 years since he visited his grandfather. The only affection that was shared was through the phone. But this year he decided to surprise him with a visit at Christmas. But...he is now dead. Killed. 

He soon felt his eyes getting watery again so he wiped his eyes and crashed at changbin causing the older to groan sleepily. "I love you changbin hyung and jeongin" He smiled a little before sleeping.


Jeongin woke up by the noise of talking. He opened his eyes to see changbin and jisung packing their suitcase...wait suitcase?! "Where are you going?! Don't leave!" 

Jisung and changbin looked at Jeongin before chuckling "We are not leaving you. You are coming with us" Changbin poked Jeongin's cheek. "Where are we going?" He tilted his head, again.

"Seoul, I got a call from my grandfather's caretaker. His name is Kim Seungmin. He said as my Grandfather died I am the owner of the property and the money" Jisung explained 

"And when Hyung heard he insisted I stay and in the end, we decided we all were going to live in Seoul from now on" He awkwardly smiled. 



At 5:00 p.m. They left for Seoul. They booked a car as the flight cost more. The whole ride jisung could only think of one thing. What does the caretaker as in Seungmin look like? 

Jisung only met him once, At the age of 10 he went with his grandfather for the first time and since then they shared a loving bond.

 He held his necklace and sighed. He just hoped everything was going to be alright in their new journey in Seoul. Soon he felt his eyes tearing up, He let the tears flow. Neither changbin nor jeongin noticed him.

 As he was silently crying. And we know Silent cries are the most painful.

After 4-5 hours of journey, They reached Seoul. It was nothing like Busan. Even better. When they got off the car jisung eyes landed on a poster that says about his grandfather's death. 

Jisung's grandfather was a well-known man so it was a huge shock to everyone in Seoul. Jisung eyes saddened but he quickly looked away and saw jeongin simping over someone. 

"What are you looking at jeongin?" Changbin asked "Look at him! His name is Bang Chan. He is a famous actor in Seoul. I am already a fan!! He is from Australia! isn't it cool?" Jeongin almost squeaked.

"And how do you know about that?" Jisung raised his eyebrows. "Umm, I researched about him a minute ago?" Jeongin said nervously. Jisung and changbin facepalmed.

The three of them were in awe when they saw the mansion they were going to live in. It was all golden and white.

 On both sides of their entrance was a huge garden of different flowers. In the between it was a kind of swimming pool and on top of that was a staircase leading to the main entrance. The thing that jisung loved the most was the pool which was filled with lotus. 

They saw expensive cars parked. When reached the gate. Jisung knocked it twice. The door opened revealing a puppy-looking guy (in a good way) It took a minute for him to recognize jisung. "Hello! I am Kim Seungmin. The caretaker of the house. You must be jisung?" Jisung nodded to which Seungmin motioned them to come inside. 

They got themselves comfortable. Then Seungmin spoke "I thought you were coming alone?" to jisung "Actually no, Since I ran away I've been living with them so.."

Seungmin made an 'ahh' sound. "I am Seo Changbin"

"Yang Jeongin!"

"It's nice to meet you" Seungmin smiled "I am sorry" Jisung looked at Seungmin slightly pouting "For what?" Seungmin looked at him confused "You were practically his grandson. So, I am sorry"

"I-it's alright" Seungmin shuttered "It's getting late let me show you guys your room" They all settled down in their room.

At 10:53, Jisung stood up and went to Jeongin's room. He peeked inside hoping to jeongin sleeping but instead, he saw jeongin watching TV. "Innie why are you not sleeping!?"

"I could ask the same for you" Jeongin smirked which faded when he saw jisung grabbing a book and aiming it at him 

"Okay, okay I am sleeping but..." Jeongin looked down "But what?" Jisung asked gently "But THIS BANG CHAN DUDES MOVIES ARE SO MMM!!! Please can I watch one and then go to sleep? pretty please!!!" Jeongin gave him the best puppy eyes "Fine" He pouted "Innie I am going for a walk okay?"

"This late? Hyung we didn't even spend an hour here and you're going out?"

"I'll be fine"


"I heard that he has a grand son" Blaze smirked "So what are you planning?" CB97 asked "The serial killer is probably snooping around Han's mansion so, I want...Weapon to go and kidnapped who is around the house but don't kill anyone who looks innocent"

"Why me? I am not even a flame!" Weapon whined "Look here, even if you're not that doesn't mean that you don't work under me and this is important I need someone trustful" Blaze glared "So~you trust me?"

"Fuck no."


I guess Jisung did the wrong thing wearing a black oversized hoodie and on top of that he put the hood on. He first looked around the mansion and then went outside admiring the lotus. He saw Seungmin going out. Just when he was about to call him he felt a sharp pain in his head and then everything went black.

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