Not an update

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I know you'll be disappointed that this ain't an update. I am so sorry for that.

Everybody has their ups and downs and I was kinda of going through that. Anyway, My final exams are going to start and my Asian ass and my Asian parents want me to score very well. As you can tell I won't be able to update for long and what I mean by long is LONG. Like 1 month later or something. But I promise when I'm back I'm gonna triple update. 

Thank you so much for the love and support you guys gave me.

I love reading your comments and oh lemme tell you when I'll be back things in the story are about to get angsty, spicy, and heavy ;)

Stay hydrated, eat lots and ofc sleep well.

Take care of yourself. 

Keep supporting our boys stray kids.

Stay awesome just like you are and the most important thing-


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