Sadness in Dominance🥀

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Chapter 5: Sadness in Dominance

"Wahhh~ That was the best movie I ever watched" Jeongin stretched and then looked at the brown and black wooden clock on the black wall. "It's already 12:36? Oops- Guess I have to say goodnight to Jisung and Changbin Hyung" He shrugged a little cutely before walking out of his room in search of his Jisung Hyung. It took no time for jeongin to find Jisung's room because to him he called it a smart brain but in reality, Seung-min showed them their rooms together just in case they needed each other for something.

Everyone liked Seung-min. No wonder Han Beom Suk adored that boy. He is cute, kind, and smart. With a sudden thought of Seung-min in his mind Jeongin knocked on the door thrice in a row not caring if the older was asleep. When he didn't receive any response he opened the door quietly only to take a peek but opened it widely when he saw the bed neat and clean with no sign of Jisung. A sudden feeling of worry came rushing inside jeongin. He barged into the room and made sure to check the bathroom and closet before leaving for changbin's room.

"Changbin Hyung!!" Jeongin didn't even bother to knock instead slammed the door open startling Changbin in the process. "Innie? What happened?-"

"Hyung! Hyung! J-Jisung Hyung left F-for a walk, I-i tried to stop him b-but-" Jeongin was panting that worried changbin but he stayed calm and made him sit "Calm down and tell me what happened and where is jisung?" Changbin spoke so gently as if he would raise his voice even a bit the latter would break "He went for a walk around 10 a-and he is still not back!!"

"What? Did you check downstairs?" Changbin asked to which jeongin shook his head "Let's go check downstairs and tell Seungmin about it too okay? Till then try to calm yourself down" Changbin wiped his tears and both of them took their leave to Seungmin's room.


"Oh! Jisungie is already on the news. Look look!" Minho shoved his phone in jisung's face. Jisung face became pale as a tissue when he thought in which state would changbin and jeongin would be. "What happened jisungie~" Minho was teasing jisung with his name for the past two minutes trying to make him annoyed but jisung was too scared to feel any other emotions than that. Minho had tied jisung's mouth again. Minho's grin slowly faded when he saw Jisung's eyes shaking filled with panic, worry, concern, and scared. Those were the emotions displayed on his face just by looking at his eyes.

Minho hated it. He hated how those eyes looked so familiar to him. He felt himself growing soft because of those eyes but he is not the most powerful mafia just for nothing. Only a pair of eyes and minho will go soft? Not in a million years. "You are going to live in my mansion. And no, it is not for free. You will be taught acting. got it? and yes jisung, think yourself a code name. Soon, you will be getting yourself a tattoo of a flame on the back of your neck. Be thankful I am the one telling you all this. But don't you dare feel almighty" Just when he said the last sentence, he grabbed jisung's jaw harshly and leaned down to his level glaring at him.

"Mmhph!!" When minho saw jisung trying to say something he rolled his eyes and removed the cloth from his face. "Ah...L-let me go...I don't f-fucking care about m-myself but m-my friends...they are outside in a m-miserable state b-because of my disappearance." It took a lot of courage for jisung to say such a thing. Minho looked at him as if he was joking. He looked at him with a poker face and made an amused face before laughing like a maniac. "O-oh, my god! You're telling me to let you go?" Minho wiped his fake tear laughing. "It's been a while since I laughed like this~Phew" Minho's expression took a 360 degree, he leaned forward and slammed his hands on jisung's chair making him startled. He brought his face up to jisung's glaring daggers in his soul. 

"I am going to say this loud and clear. Don't fucking talk back at me like that" Minho whispered in jisung's ear sending shivers down jisung's spine. "WEAPON!!" Jisung finched at the sudden increase in volume. A man with dark long hair without a mask entered the room"What now?" He pouted. "Drop Jisung at my house and show him the guest room with the purple and white interior, the one beside my room" Minho untied Jisung's rope while speaking. He was sitting on his knees, then he looked up, and Jisung and Minho's eyes locked.

To minho, he swore he saw the whole galaxy in jisung's eyes, and To Jisung, he unexpectedly found sadness in those dominant eyes. Both break eye contact when the silence is broken by a voice "Okay- WAIT YOUR HOUSE?!!" Hyunjin squeaked. "Weapon." Minho fully stood up. "I forgave you for your mistake but...I won't hesitate to slice your throat open if you won't stop questioning me" Minho threatened "O-okay, Jisung follow me" Hyunjin shuttered. Jisung tried to stand but his leg didn't give in causing him to take the support of the chair. "H-here let me help" Hyunjin leaned forward but stopped in his tracks when Minho raised his hand to stop him. 

Minho, all of a sudden slid his hands beneath Jisung's leg and picked him up in a bridal style. Jisung yelped "W-what?" Both jisung and Hyunjin were shocked. Minho didn't utter another word and briskly walked out. He went to an elevator with Hyunjin following and jisung in his arms. They reached the floor 'UP'[A/N: underground parking] and walked out. Hyunjin opened the door of the car and minho placed jisung in the passenger seat beside the driver's seat. Hyunjin sat in the driver's seat. 

"He should be safe and sound." 

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