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Chapter 12: Fault

A/N: Would recommend 'Renegade x Under the Influence x I was never There' for this chapter 

 ⚠ Warning ⚠ : Sexual content ahead (Not much)

Jisung hated it. Hated how he felt bad for Minho. He saw everything and all there was left was one question in Jisung's mind and that was. How is he fine? How is Minho ruling the world with Just by a name when his eyes contain a pool of sadness? He could tell it by looking in his eyes.

He scolded himself internally before putting on his smile and then walked up to him "I am ready~" Jisung sang. "Yeonjun bought you these slutty clothes?" Minho pointed towards Jisung's crop top "Yeah. to work on my personality" Jisung shrugged "And how your clothes will help you to work on your personality?" Minho crossed his arms. "The apparel we wear also affects our behavior although I am not practically changing my personality, I am changing my appearance so it can fit my role," Jisung said "Role? You know what? Nevermind. That's Yeonjun effect on you" Minho shook his head and took him to a room attached to the basement. 

Minho pushed Jisung in, a little too hard for Jisung's liking, and stood at the door blocking it. "So today your mission is to get out of this room." Minho slowly sat down on the floor. "Are you kidding me?" Jisung glared at Minho "Well okay then, I'll get out of this room in time" Jisung grabbed Minho's shoulder to pull him but before he could do that Minho grabbed his wrist and slammed him on the floor. Jisung grunted but still stood up with a smirk on his face. He wiped the blood off his face and then threw a punch at Minho who dodged it. One after another Jisung kept throwing punches and kicks but was unsuccessful in even touching Minho's skin. Jisung back up and panted. "What? Are you tired already? Look at me. I didn't even move from my place" Minho threw a smirk at him bluntly making fun of him.

What do I do? What do I do? Wha-Ah! Got it! Jisung thought to himself. Jisung slowly walked toward Minho who was now sitting on the floor again and looking at him boredly. Jisung all of a sudden bent down and pulled Minho's leg with his whole force. Minho seemed to be startled by this so he got dragged a bit. Jisung saw the door was not blocked anymore so he took the chance and came to open it but was pulled by his leg. Now both Minho and Jisung were on the floor. Minho got and dragged Jisung to the corner and sat back in front of the door. Jisung huffed loudly.

"What the heck did you just do?" Minho looked at him in disbelief "At least I moved you" Jisung, whose face was buried in his hands said "And what are you doing right now?"

"Dying from embarrassment because that trick didn't work" Jisung groaned. "Well, you have only 30 minutes left" Minho suppressed himself from chuckling "You set a timer?!" Jisung stood up again "Yeah and if you won't pass it on time then I am gonna make you live in the cell until you're strong enough" Minho rolled his eyes. 

Jisung started pacing around the room tapping his chin with his index finger. "And now the last key. Seduction"  Jisung clapped his hands together catching Minho's attention "You got an idea? Bring it on" Minho ran a hand through his hair. Jisung first calmed himself down before changing his nervous expression to a flirty smirk. He sat down right in front of Minho. "So you're just gonna sit?" 

Jisung waited for almost 1 minute and then came closer to minho. He poured his all power and lifted minho. He pushed Minho against the door and seductively drew patterns on his chest with his index finger. Minho didn't budge and let him do it and waited for his next move. Jisung slowly leaned in, leaving only a centimeter between their lips. Jisung smirked when he saw Minho's eyes on his lips. He tilted his head and leaned in towards Minho's ear. He licked Minho's ear gaining more confidence when he heard Minho's breath shudder. The younger slowly lifted his hands and unbuttoned two buttons of the older's shirt. He grabbed Minho's veiny hands and placed them on his exposed waist. 

Minho's breath hitched "What are you doing?" He looked straight into Jisung's eyes. "I don't know...Is it just me or...you can also feel the tension between us" Jisung whispered, His breath right on Minho's lips. "Let me be shameless..." Jisung chuckled lowly and a smirk displayed once again when he saw Minho's ear becoming red. Jisung bit his lips and opened his mouth to say something but got cut off by his moan when he felt Minho tightening his grip on his waist. "Flustered?" Jisung smiled. Minho's glare burned his skin "You're hot you know that?" Just after that, without any warning, Jisung's lips landed a centimeter away from Minho's lips. It was the last key for Minho, He changed their position with Jisung under him and the wall. 

Jisung pushed Minho with his index finger. Minho's leg moved on his own and he started moving back. Minho's back came in contact with the wall. Jisung tip-toed although there was not much height difference but minho's was indeed a bit taller than him. "I won" Jisung smirked and ran open the door and went outside the room. 

Jisung closed the door and leaned against it. His lips twitched to form a smile but Jisung suppressed it. He bit his lips and hid his face in his hands trying to stop the blush to cover his face.

Minho, who was unconsciously smiling realized what he was doing when he felt his member hardening. He quickly wiped off the smile and looked around as if someone saw him in a fucking closed room. 

"Yeonjun effect..." Minho chuckled not able to hold back it anymore. He looked down and groaned 

"Fucking hell."


A love for guns is acceptable, Considerable, and admirable but you need to have control. Not gun control...sin control. That Hyunjin always forgets when it comes to sinners, Not caring he, himself is becoming one.

His fingertips lightly traced the pattern on a gold metallic gun. Daily, He comes here and admires his precious guns with passion flaming inside his eyes but right now, he looks like he will kill the next person to walk in. The doorknob twisted and Minho walked in with a smile on his face. "Hyunjin?" Hyunjin looked up so fast that his neck produced a cracking sound. The anger, hatred, and disappointment in his eyes were all gone, They were all gone when Minho called him 'Hyunjin'...Not weapon. His real name. "What happened?" Minho looked at him clueless. "Why?.." Hyunjin gulped. "What do you mean?" Minho's eyebrow furrowed "Why did you kidnap Seungmin and Jisung's friend-" Hyunjin's eyes dilated when he realized what he said. "How do you know his name?" The coldness. It was back now. "My assistant told me" Hyunjin calmed himself down "Now tell me, why did you kidnapp them?" Hyunjin glared at Minho.

"Be careful with your words weapon" 

"You promised that you'll never kidnap an innocent!! Okay, I understand we had to kidnap Jisung but why them??"

"It's all your fault Weapon" With that Minho walked out not giving Hyunjin a chance to speak. He heard Hyunjin screaming from inside. He closed his ears and let out a shaky breath.

"I am just protecting him"

.        .       .

Double update cause I am happy that-

1. I got to talk to my bestie
2. I got a new follower


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