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Chapter 4: Shadow

Changbin was sitting and going through the news in his room. He was wondering how their life was going to turn out in Seoul. 

But then a certain someone crossed his mind. Soon realization came to him that they were in such a hurry that he forgot to inform Frank about any of this. He facepalmed and then looked at the time, hoping it was not too late to talk to his crush.

He squinted his eyes because of the brightness of the device. "Oh man it's already 11~" Changbin whined to himself. 


"Who is it this late?" Changbin groaned and went over to pick up his phone. He lit up when he saw a message from Frank asking if he was awake, can they call? He didn't wait any longer and called Frank. 

After 6 rings he picked up the phone. "hello?" Changbin smiled when he heard the deep voice from Busan. "hi"

"Oh hello changbin hyung, I hope I was not disturbing anything"

"No no, it is absolutely fine "

"I wanna say something," They both said it at the same time. "Y-you go first" he shuttered "Okay so...I am shifting in Seoul. Just wanted to tell you that."

"R-really!? Cause I am in Seoul only!! Have you Heard about Han Beom Suk? He is jisung's grandfather. So because of his death, we are going to live here now in Seoul. It's a good thing that we can still be in touch" Changbin said not giving Frank a chance to talk.

"Y-you're in Seoul?! That's great Uh hyung I need to go okay? I'll meet you in Seoul I guess" Frank hung up leaving changbin daydreaming.


Jisung opened his eyes slowly. His eyes wandered around only to find himself tied to a chair. It was a dark room and the only source of light was a bulb on top of the chair. Was it a basement? no, it was a cell. 

There was an exit gate right in front of him and other than that the whole room was filled with small cells. He was able to catch a glimpse of people in the cell. After processing and coming to senses jisung found himself panicking. "W-where am I?!" He shouted, desperately wanted to get out. 

"You're in an Ablazetus 's Cell more like a torture room" He heard a voice coming from cell no.346. "A-Ablaze-" Jisung was too stunned. "You don't know who Ablazetus is?" The same voice spoke. "They're Monsters, Devil, Sinful!! but most of all...They are psychopaths!" This startled Jisung. The man or woman whoever was it started laughing evilly. 

His laugh brought chills down jisung's spine. He felt tears welling up in his eyes. 

 "I didn't expect a killer like you to be scared this much" The cold atmosphere was broken down by a warm voice. 

Jisung didn't seem to notice the 'killer' part and looked up meeting cold eyes. Although everything was unfamiliar to this place, he was sure that he was familiar with those eyes. A smirk formed on the other's face making cute dimples on his face that didn't look cute at all because of his cold eyes.(A/N: They're are fucking cute) "Y-you're B-Bang-"

"Bang Chan? That's right! It's me! Are you my fan? Here let me give you an autograph-" Bang Chan, the vice leader of Ablazetus under cover of being an actor, was cut off by an unfamiliar voice. "CB! Tie his mouth with a cloth.

 Blaze said he didn't want him to talk more likely spit!" The voice came from outside so jisung was not able to catch who that was.

CB97 harshly grabbed a cloth out of nowhere and tied it tightly to jisung's face. "Sadly, I can't see your squirrel-like face anymore" CB97 laughed 

"But seriously it was not an insult. you're cute" He winked and walked out.

After 5 minutes that felt like an hour. Jisung looked up when he heard boots clacking on the cold floor. A man who seemed to be around jisung age walked in. His eyes looked sharp like a cat. Other than that his face was covered with a mask, a golden chain hanging onto it.

 "Name?" His voice was cold as ice. He tilted his head when he didn't get an answer. "Name?" He repeated slightly raising his voice.

He finally looked up and felt the heat coming up on his cheeks when he remembered that he told CB to tie his mouth. He cleared his throat removed the cloth and untied him harshly. He pauses for a second when he sees his face.

It was very familiar to Minho but he knew he was not them that he was thinking about. Minho fought with himself internally to not go soft for him. 

That face was now irritating him. If only the boy in front of him was not the killer. He would've never touched the boy but even if he is not the killer he will not let him go cause he knows too much now. "H-Han jisung"

"Han? Stop lying and tell me your mother fucking real name!" Venom was Dripping from his words "It's H-han jisung only! p-please believe me" Jisung pleaded 

"Oh so you killed your grandfather right?? How funny" Blaze glared at him. "K-killer? I am not a killer!! I am Han Jisung! Han Beom Suk's grandson!! I came here today because I got the news of my grandpa's death! I am no killer!!"  He shuttered all over. "What? How can I believe you? every killer would've made the same damn excuse!!" With that, he tried to walk off but then a sudden confidence came in jisung and he raised his hand to stop Blaze from the shoulder but...He accidentally pulled his mask off. 

And now he knows too much.

 Both of their eyes flew wide open. 

Just when minho was about to say something, the door flew wide open. For a minute minho panicked but his shoulder fell when he saw CB97. "Minho!-"

"Great now he knows my name too" Minho sighed "Oh shit-wait what? Y-your mask!" Chan finally seemed to notice that "Forget about that and tell me what were you going to say?"

"H-he is not the killer Hyun-jin got the wrong guy. He is Han Jisung, Han Beom Suk's grandson!" Chan looked down. "What?!!"

"See I told you-" Jisung stopped his sass when he saw the look on minho's face. "What are we gonna do we him?" Chan pointed at jisung "Kill him? "To this jisung began panicking again "No, Keep him"

"In the cell?"

"Still a No, he is innocent and second he...reminds me of someone," Minho said the last part lowly so jisung could not hear him

"Then where?"
"In my mansion"

"Yes mine"

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