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Chapter 6: "Sorry..."

"This is where you'll stay" Hyunjin parked in front of a HUGE mansion. Much bigger than Jisung's grandfather's. Hyunjin opened the door for Jisung, He wrapped Jisung's arm around his shoulder and sneaked his hand into Jisung's waist. They went to the mansion and jisung couldn't believe his eyes. It was not a mansion, It was a castle! The mansion or castle stood there proudly matching the black cloudy sky. It looked like it was about to rain. The destination? God knows where. All you could see were big tall trees, making the mansion look haunted because of so much darkness. Far and wide all you could see were only trees. The mansion's walls were pitch black and it seemed like the interior was too because when they entered, they were met with the cold air produced by the air conditioner. Even the air smelled expensive. 

The living room was hella fine. It was affluence and luxury, and many fancy words were not enough to describe how beautiful the living room was despite the fact it was all black. "Hyunjin?" A sweet and mellifluous voice spoke A lady in her late 40s came into view. 'Hyunjin? Who the hell is that?' Jisung wondered "It's me, Hwang Hyunjin" Hyunjin smiled at Jisung. "Did I say that out loud?" Jisung gasped "Yes" He chuckled lowly "Again?" The tension seems to be less now. "Hyunjin, Who is this little one?" Her voice was gentle. "It's Jisung, Han Jisung. There was a misunderstanding and because of that...we kidnapped this innocent boy" Hyunjin smiled sadly. The lady's face turned into a frown "Minho has never mistaken anyone so how could a misunderstanding lead to him kidnapping an innocent?" 

"It was my fault" Hyunjin couldn't meet her gaze "Oh Sweety, No worries. I won't let him feel lonely" Her smile was generous and tender. "Hey there Jisung" All of a sudden the attention was on jisung. "I am Lee Nari, mother of Lee Min-Uh I mean Blaze" She shuttered "Don't worry Mrs Lee, I already know his name and his face." This seems to make the lady's eyes dilate. "How?" She didn't seem to believe it. "It was an accident" He smiled a little avoiding the fact that she was the mother of a dangerous mafia. All of a sudden her eyes filled with concern "Minho is not gonna put him in a cell right?" 

"No, The room beside his room will be his room" Hyunjin and Nari exchanged a confused look, Like it says 'Why would Minho do that though?' Hyunjin shrugged and led jisung to his room. "Your room will be on the other side of the mansion. Mrs lee in not allowed there- I mean Minho won't let anyone come there so be careful with the stuff" Hyunjin passed him a smile "Were you the one that kidnapped me?" Jisung uttered "Um yeah" Hyunjin awkwardly chuckled "Not my decision though" 

"Are you all forced?" Jisung was taking interest in all this "No, nobody is forced. You can say helpless but they find happiness in this. In crime...We don't do crime we do but not like that I mean like killing innocent people?" Hyunjin shuttered all over "No wonder you are not a flame" Jisung smiled slightly "How do you know?" 
"It was a guess. Your behavior made it evident" Hyunjin stopped walking and turned around twisting the door knob. They were welcomed by beautiful fragrance. There was a double-sized bed in between the room on top of a platform. The walls were made up of glass so the cloudy sky was visible making the room look dull. Hyunjin went forward and clicked open the lights—LEDs, Purple LEDs from beneath the platform, On the ceiling, and on the side tables. The room lit up. "This will be your room" Hyunjin gestured to jisung to come inside.

"Woah, He has colors in his house too?" Jisung commented on the cute purple and white interior, Not that he minded it. "Yeah, some of the rooms have." With that, Hyunjin left Jisung alone. 

 'Am I gonna see changbin Hyung and jeongin again?'


The hardest time in your life is when you lose a person.

And Changbin and Jeongin are undergoing their hardest time, They are suffering because of Jisung's disappearance, they feel empty, numb. It's the next morning. Police cars surround Han Beom Suk's mansion. No matter how much they try to comfort each other. They feel cold as if the warm blanket is too small or ripped to cover both of them. It's been one night. Only night in Seoul and there was no trace of their friend Jisung. Seoul is shaken up because of the terrifying news. 

First Grandfather, Now Grandson? What is going on in Seoul? There is no trace of Ablazetus here so who is doing all this? Most likely to Jisung and his family.

Jeongin was locked up in his room crying while Seungmin was helping the officers. And Changbin was sitting on the main gate face buried in his hands. He felt a tap on his shoulder so he looked up to see Frank smiling sadly. "Hey..."


"I heard the news so I came here. Are you okay?" His deep voice gentle as possible "No...I am not" Tears welled up in his eyes for the 15nth time that the day. "Where are you Jisung?" He let out a sob. Felix helped him up and took him outside, a bit far away from the mansion in an alleyway. "Where are we, Frank? I need to go. Jeongin's alone-" Changbin stopped in his tracks when he saw tears in Frank's eyes "What happened Frank?"

"Sorry... and it's Felix" With that grabbed a bottle lying on the floor and smacked changbin's head making him unconscious. 

It happened too fast. all in a rush


Jisung's head was packed. packed with thoughts. He didn't know what he was doing in a mafia's house, He didn't know why he was not killed. Lost in thoughts Jisung was startled by the sudden loud knock or bang on his door. His heart races; Breaths are shallow. With trembling hands, he twists the door knob hoping for the worst. Am I going to die now? Bye, everyone, I love you with all my heart Changbin Hyung and Jeongin. He squinted his eyes and when nothing came he opened his one eye and peeked. His shoulder fell when he saw a tall boy grinning softly.

"Hi!! I am Choi Yeonjun."He was a bit aggressive...more like excited. He took Jisung's hands in his and squeezed them. "I am going to teach you acting and that's an order from sir" He smiled

Acting. He is going to be officially a flame.

Jisung got himself into a big mess and minho will make sure to not let him get away.

Sorry guys this isn't proofread 


🥚❤️ :>

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