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Chapter 8: Helpless

When we say we invest our blood, sweat, and tears in something, It is true.

Because when Jisung fought with Minho, he understood that this boy must've invested all that in his training. Jisung had no chance to stand against minho. He was sweating, panting and even shaking. But minho? He didn't budge instead he was throwing sly remarks. He sure is contentious.

After a little bit of workout and fighting Minho dismissed both Yeonjun and Jisung. Minho went straight to his room with Jisung following him. They both opened the door at the same time and glanced at each other. Their eyes locked and Jisung bowed a little before going in. Just when he entered he groaned and bought his hand in front of his face. "How can someone's hold be so strong?" Oh well, Looks like the walls are thin. Minho chuckled when he heard that but not enough so Jisung could've heard him. He stood in front of a mirror and lifted his shirt. He made an amused face when he saw the black and blue mark right on the spot where Jisung kicked him. "When I fought you today...Why did your eyes look dim. almost lifeless..." Minho trailed off "What and who are you jisung?" He sighed and shook his head before getting in the covers. He stared at his clock for almost an hour when it hit 9:56 p.m. He stood up and went down to the dining table. At sharp 10, he sat at the dining table where the meal was already delicately cooked. 

He grabbed a plate and filled it with some kimchi, Tteokbokki, and some fried chicken. He briskly walked in front of Jisung's room and knocked. The door slowly opened revealing a sleepy Jisung "I don't want a weakling like you in my team but It's the only way so eat this and get to sleep." That was all he said before placing the plate on a dumfounded Jisung's hand. 


"Where are we going Yeonjun?" Jisung kept following Yeonjun who didn't utter a single word and kept ignoring him. "Jisung." Jisung heard another voice so he turned around and was met with the gun dealer "Hyunjin" Jisung smiled a little "Everything going good Jisung-"

"Smoke. His name is Smoke" Yeonjun interrupted "Smoke? That's cool" Hyunjin opened the door of his car motioning them to sit in the back seat. "Thanks. It was Minho Hyung who chose it" Jisung shuffled a little getting himself comfortable. "Hyung?" Hyunjin raised his eyebrow in confusion "Don't mention it. It's an order from sir" Yeonjun interrupted. Hyunjin took a hint and kept his mouth shut. The whole ride was silent. Soon hyunjin stopped in front of a building made up of clear glass. Jisung swore he felt that he time traveled cause damn, the building was ethnically modern. The glass was tinted so they were not able to see what was happening inside. The destination was just the same, far and wide trees, trees and trees. 

Hyunjin winked at Jisung whose jaw was dropped. Hyunjin was not a driver or anything. They just didn't trust anyone other than the higher members and Hyunjin was one of them for some reason, minho ordered Hyunjin to be the one to company Jisung. When they went inside, the aura became dark. jisung felt chills down his spine. Finally yeonjun spoke breaking the tension "You shall not call sir, Hyung here. Call him blaze." Yeonjun gave him a cold shoulder. 

They entered a room and were met by Minho in a mask but this time it was a purple one "You came?" He stared at jisung which looked like a glare. "Y-yes blaze" Minho slammed his hand on the table in front of him "Don't be a weakling and shutter!" His voice dripped venom. "I understand!" Jisung stood straight. "Now you can come here" Jisung hesitantly went beside Minho and stood there with his position straightened. The door opened revealing someone who Jisung never in his life would've expected. Felix or Frank came in with his head low, glaring at the floor, hands tightly formed in a fist. "I got him" Was just he said. And then, Changbin, beaten up, and handcuffed came inside. Changbin's eyes locked with Jisung and Jisung couldn't control himself. He ran up to changbin ignoring Yeonjun who was calling out to him. Jisung engulfed Changbin in a tight hug. Tears didn't couldn't wait longer and started streaming down from Jisung's doe eyes.

He missed changbin. For some reason, he didn't only go through mental pain but also physical pain as if someone was stabbing him continuously. Changbin was the first to break them apart. He searched Jisung's body looking for an injury. "Hyung Hyung...I am okay" Jisung nodded "I am just fine...Look." Jisung breath shuttered. "Jisung." Minho's voice spoke almost as a growl "Come back." He ordered, "Blaze...what is he doing here?" Jisung looked straight into his eyes "I told you I am not the killer!! Nor is he!! Why did you kidnap him?!! Let him go or else.." To this, Minho scoffed and tilted his head "Or else what? Kill me? If so, go on. Nobody will interfere" Minho smiled sweetly "I'll tell everyone your face and name" Jisung glared at Minho, His eyes becoming teary and red. "In this room, Everyone knows my face and my name but if you're threatening to tell my name and face to other members then use your brain and ask yourself will I let that happen? Will I let you go out of this room If your intention is that??" Minho harshly grabbed Jisung's jaw and picked him up from his feet. 

Jisung grunted but managed to look into Minho's eyes. Minho, all of a sudden stopped, or everything stopped for minho. Jisung eyes held terror. They looked almost lifeless. Minho threw Jisung to the floor. There was something in Jisung's eyes. Something captivating that sure did capture minho. Minho took a deep breath "I didn't kidnap him because I thought he was the killer or something. You should ask himself" Minho rolled his eyes. "Hyung? What the hell is he saying?" Jisung coughed "I-I...I am sorry Jisung. I was stupid and helpless" Tears started escaping from changbin's sharp eyes. Jisung stared at him confused. Eyes shaking trying to find a lie. "I was only 16...My parents. They were brutally killed. T-they-Ablazetus offered me to be a member and take revenge. They said they knew who killed my parents. I joined them b-but...When I got to know that they were the ones who killed my parents. I ran away. I hid from them and then I met you. I started living like a normal person but at some point they found me and here I am" Felix was on the urge to ball his eyes out. He felt a lump of guilt forming in his chest.

Jisung felt betrayed. No, not because of Changbin. Because of Felix. He sharply turned his head and looked at Felix who kept his head down. "You! How dare you?!! I trusted you!  I thought you were the one who would bring the light into my hyung's life but H-how could you?! Frank! How could you!" Jisung punched the floor smearing it with the blood that was coming from his now injured knuckle. Jisung kept punching the floor, screaming, Yelling, and crying. 

And then he stopped. He realized or remembered something.

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