Betrayed and Confused🥀

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Chapter 29: Betrayed and Confused

-Heavy angst coming up bitches


Warm, thick, and deep red blood. 

It was all over the floor.

The gunshot was still ringing in their head.

Jisung stared at the pool of blood in front of him. His eyes traveled up to find everyone-

Felix, Hyunjin, Changbin, Chan, Seungmin

and Minho.

Minho's hand was clutching the gun that he shot the guy with a minute ago. The kids were terrified. "Hyung!" Jeongin ran up to Chan who quickly handed him a gun. Seeing that everyone's attention was on them, Jisung took his gun out and aimed at them 

"Hands up. All of you!!" He yelled, feeling his eyes brimming with tears. He gritted his teeth when he saw Dae-Ho scoffing and taking his gun out "Who do you think we are? Some filthy high school kids messing for fun" Just after that, All the members of West Hail had guns in their hands.

In the corner of his eyes, Jisung saw Jeongin taking the kids out.


They were all distracted.

Jisung gasped when he was pulled by his waist. His back met a hard chest "Who?" This voice was ringing in Jisung's head and gave a shiver down his spine when he realized how deep it had gotten. "Blaze, calm down. First, we need to-"

"Who was it?" Minho's grip tightened around his waist. 

"All of them"

He felt Minho's grip loosening and soon enough he let go of him. 

They lunged at each other at once.


Gunshots and horrified screams echoed in the building. Thankfully the kids were safely rescued. Jisung eyes wandered to see if someone was struggling. He saw everyone fighting with ease. 


There were only seven there. Where was Dae-Ho? "Shit" Jisung cursed when the door opened and people dressed in all black barged in. 

They were outnumbered again.

"Blaze!!" Minho turned around when he heard Jeonsuk's voice "Dad what are you doing here?!" 

"These people are from West Hail and their agent is Jisung. I am sure" Jeonsuk spoke. Minho laughed bitterly "Quit it, Dad. Jisung is not their agent" With that, Minho walked away from Jeonsuk.

They were only eight excluding Jeonsuk. Every minute was making them weak and tired. The sudden increase in their opponents reminded Minho to take a look at their new members i.e. Changbin, and Jeongin.

Worrying about Seungmin wasn't much of a concern to Minho as the younger was well-trained as an assassin but still, he did check if everyone was okay.

He muttered multiple curses under his breath when he saw nobody from Ablazetus looked if they could hold on longer.

A surprised noise was heard and Minho immediately ducked his head in that direction.

It was Jisung's voice.

He saw many of the members of West Hail encircling the boy. Minho sprinted towards him but stopped when he saw they looked as if they were protecting Jisung.

"Tell us, agent. What do we need to do next?"

Minho's eyes widen.

 His heart felt like it had been torn apart. The news completely shattered everything he thought he knew. 

He couldn't believe that he had been so naive, so oblivious to the betrayal that had been going on right under his nose.

The walls around him seemed to close in as if his emotions were physically overwhelming him. He felt like he was choking on the pain, unable to catch his breath.

 His body felt as if it were going numb, and he stood there, feeling completely lost and alone.

His mind was racing with thoughts of what he should do next, but he couldn't seem to come up with a solution. 

He felt completely and utterly torn apart, and he didn't know how he was going to be able to put the pieces back together again.

And once again,

The broken glass was shattered into millions of pieces.

Minho's shock and heartbroken state turned to rage; his vision was blurred with tears and his fists clenched tightly in anger. 

The pain and betrayal of the last few seconds came surging to the surface, and he could feel the heat building inside of him.

"How could he do this to me?" he muttered to himself, his voice hoarse with emotion. "How could I have been so blind, so trusting? You used me. Just like everyone did"

Jisung stared at him, the only expression plastered on his face was demented by confusion. Minho's words were piercing as he knew they were directed at him. 

Those dominant eyes that used to be filled with sadness, were now filled with only one thing.

White-hot rage.

"You." All of the people surrounding Jisung disappeared with Minho right in front of him. Minho jabbed his finger in his chest "You. You said you would die for me. Right?" Minho said, his voice nonchalant and cold as ice.

"Minho what are you-" He was cut off by Minho. Not able to express his emotion and know what was going on.

Jisung felt powerless.



He was hurting.

He was suffering.

"Then why the fuck did you kill them?! Not only did you kill them but you also killed my heart. And like I said, Everything was on fire but I was the one who was suffering! You took everything from me!!" Hot tears were streaming down Minho's cheek. 

He wasn't sad.

He was betrayed.

He was furious.

He was heartbroken.

He was suffering.

Jisung eyesight blurred from his tears. He was so confused and Minho's taunting words didn't help the situation. 

"Minho What-"

"Shut the fuck up!!" Minho panted "I should've never fallen for your stupid words. I should've done a deep backup check. *Sob* G-god I was so stupid" His cries were hurting Jisung. Minho's words no longer hurt him as he could only think of Minho's cries.

"Minho listen. I-"

"Fuck you Jisung. Fuck you!! You are pathetic. You are a worthless piece of shit."

No don't say it.

"I hate you!! I hate you!"

Stop it. don't say it.

"I hate myself that I love- no loved you"

Please stop. Don't say it.

"Are you seeing how many people died because of you?!!"

Cut it. Don't say it.

"Have you realized how many souls died?!!"

No. Don't-

"It would've been so fucking much better if you were dead. Not breathing, moving, and fucking playing with other's heart. It would've been so so better if you were dead"


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