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Chapter 7: Nothing

If rain could wash away all the pain, Jisung would've been giggling like an idiot right now.

It was heavily raining. The scent of wet mud filled their nose. Some liked the feeling and some were disgusted. Yeonjun was busy making calls while Jisung was sitting on the couch in the living room. A few hours ago he was so scared of Ablazetus that he could pee in his pants and now he was going to be a part of them. You must've been thinking why is Jisung not scared anymore? Is he going to escape? From everybody's treatment of him, he knew that nobody was going to hurt him except the members in higher positions. And escape? He only has one thing in mind, 1. Be a part of Ablazetus., 2. Gain their trust 3. Flip the table and escape.

That sounds tiring and will take a long time but it's the only way. All of a sudden the main door opened. It revealed a wet cat--Minho. Nari rushed to him extending her hand to take the coat from him that he was removing. Instead of giving her the coat he glared at her and pushed her hands harshly when she touched his arm. "What are you trying to do?" He kept the glare displayed on his face "Minho I am your mother and I am worried honey" She lowered her head.

"Stepmother" He corrected and walked off motioning Yeonjun to follow in motion. Jisung was terrified and worried. He just wanted to go back and comfort Nari but he couldn't not when he had to follow minho. 

He knows that he is not his anymore. He is already in the trap.

Minho looked angry. He removed his tie and watch and threw it,  which was caught by Yeonjun. He entered a room. Jisung and Yeonjun followed him like a lost puppy and when minho entered the room he slammed the door right on Jisung's face who was just about to enter. "OW!" He held his nose and winced. "Hey, you okay?" Yeonjun was weird to Jisung. He just met him now why is he worried for him? Especially for jisung, someone so weak.

He nodded "This is Sir's room" He stated, "Right beside mine?" Jisung asked confused "Yeah...Right beside yours." Even Yeonjun seemed to be confused by his tone. Not even 3 minutes later, Minho opened the door. He changed his clothes. He was wearing a  half-cut sleeved high-neck tank top with sweats pants. Looks like someone's gonna a train.

"Let's get to the training room, we are gonna test him" Minho's tone didn't budge and remained cold as ice. "Yes sir!"

All of a sudden minho made direct eye contact with Jisung, looking straight into his eyes. Putting his whole attention on Jisung he spoke "Jisung?"

What should I call him? Boss or sir?!! Jisung internally panicked before opening his mouth to speak "Yes Soss?" Shit.

"Um, what?" Minho straightened his posture and leaned a bit toward Jisung raising an eyebrow. "I-I m-mean S-s-sir" Never in his life has he shuttered this much. 'Sir' feels uncomfortably weird from Jisung's mouth. He felt a pang and an uncomfortable feeling in his lower abdomen.

"Call me Minho, No sir, No boss, and No soss" Wow this man didn't even crack while saying 'soss'.

"Y-yes Minho..." Yeonjun's jaw has touched the underground world nearly reaching the core. Minho won't even let them call him Blaze and not to be rude but he let a misunderstanding call him by his real name. 'How is it fair' was not the question in Yeonjun's mind, what was that something was special in Jisung and he had to be related to minho in some way. Yeojun broke from his trance when minho spoke again "What's your age?"

"19, I am 19" Jisung didn't know why but he felt small, small as an ant in front of Minho. "Then call me hyung, I am 23" ."O-okay"

"As I was saying, Do you know how to fight Jisung?" Fighting. It's been a while. "I do but not much" He was unsure about it. "Let's just get to the training room" After that nobody uttered a single word and Yeonjun walked in front guiding them. Yeonjun stopped in front of a huge room indicating they had reached. "Jisung?"

"Y-yes hyung?"

"Have you thought about your code name yet?" Minho didn't even spare a glance at jisung and kept looking front "Uh I-I-" Jisung panicked "Don't worry. From now on your code name will be smoke. Got it?" Minho's voice sent  chills to jisung "Y-yes!" 

"Okay then, smoke. Let's get ready" Yeonjun flashed a smile toward Jisung "Ready? for what?" He was confused and nervous. Is he going to be a flame? "For your test" Yeonjun opened the door and Jisung's jaw dropped. Every kind of weapon and machine for training was in this room. A fighting ring in the between. It was terrifying yet stunning. "This is the training room but this one is of sir" Yeonjun pointed at minho "and as you are going to be the flame. I am going to give some information so make sure your ears are open" And then he started "Where you are staying at is sir's Mansion not the main headquarters for all the flame. And just like I told you, This is the training room. from here if you go to the left and then right then there will be a staircase that will lead you to the weapon room. And-" Yeonjun was cut off by a weird sound that was produced by none other than Jisung "Ehhhh?! Yah! How can I remember all that??" He puffed his cheeks out in annoyance. "It's alright smoke I'll lend you a sheet that will include all things alright?" Yeounjin chuckled. "Much better" Jisung nodded. 

"Now, Sir, and smoke. Please get ready for the fight"
"Wait, I am going to fight Hyung?"


There was a thin line of sweat on jisung's body. he gulped harshly when Yeonjun motioned him to go in the ring. His legs became wobbly when he saw Minho folding his sleeves. "Don't worry, I'll go very easy on you" He coldly said as if mocking him. "Please don't "A sudden wave of confidence washed over Jisung. He smirked and charged at Minho with his fist leaning in the direction right of minho's cheek. As if teleportation, Minho disappeared causing Jisung to stumble. Jisung sharply turned around and saw Minho leaning, boredly looking at him. Jisung cracked his neck before cursing under his breath, he again tried to land a punch but this time he punched the air leaving inches between minho's face and jisung's fist to collide. Jisung started to pace up and repeated this action several times. Minho seemed to be confused about what the younger was doing. He got bored so he grabbed Jisung's left fist and when he did he got even more confused when he saw Jisung smirking.

Jisung lifted his right leg almost in a split and he kneed minho in his abdomen. It was too fast even to process. Minho fell with Jisung on top of him. Minho scoffed "Really smoke? You like to play dirty right? But I like to play bloody" Jisung's eyes widen when he felt something sharp poking his neck. "A dagger? That's not fair!" Jisung complained 

"Keep living like that and you'll eventually know nothing is fair. even someone's death."

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🥚❤️ :>

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