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"Is this the end?"

"Yes" Everyone stood up and clapped enthusiastically, with big smiles on their faces, cheering and expressing their appreciation positively. The boy bowed thanking all of them 

"This is perfect. I am sure this book will be a hit. Not only does this book support the LGBTQ+ community, It's also written beautifully. The slow burn and..." And then he went on for 10 more minutes.

The young boy was a writer, he was given a small task by his friend to write a book supporting the LGBTQ+ community so here he was, presenting his manuscript to a well-known publisher.

He had a proud smile on his face when he took his departure from the publishing house. His joy didn't last for another minute when a phone interrupted his thoughts.

He groaned and picked it up 

"What is it, Hyunjin?" Seungmin asked "There's a mission in next one hour. Hurry up!!" And then the older hung up "Wow not even a 'hi babe how did everything go'" Seungmin rolled his eyes and made his way to the headquarters.

Seungmin came sprinting towards everyone, fixing his dagger in his boot "Okay Where is Channie Hyung" The mentioned individual popped out from behind "I am here. I am here but like always those two-" Before Chan could complete, Seungmin and Changbin groaned loudly.

"LEE JISUNG!!" Felix shouted. The squirrel-like boy came stumbling down the stairs "Coming!!" When Jisung came into view everyone face-palmed when they saw a fresh hickey on his neck 

"I am sorry" He pouted "I asked Minho to help me zip up my suit but he zipped it down and then-"

"Okay we don't need to know that and where the hell is Minh- I mean Lee Know. That reminds me, Everyone stop calling each other by their real name!! We are on a mission!" Chan commanded 

"Okay old man" Seungmin smirked wickedly "Stop calling my boyfriend old man Sky!!" Jeongin slapped Seungmin's arm "Whatever I.N"

"Guess who's here-" Before Minho could finish, Changbin shoved him to the side "What's wrong with this Hyung?" Changbin shook his head "I am going to chop your head with a spear, SpearB" Chan sighed, and wiped his tears "Can we just go?"

The man in front of him raised his gun "Who should I kill first" He aimed it at Minho "The leader first?" He furrowed his eyebrow when everyone started laughing "Do you really think this always-late-cause-he's-whipped is the leader?" Felix snickered "Then who is it? I thought Blaze was the leader." Chan smiled and came in front.

"It's me. Leader of Stray Kids. There is no such Mafia gang named Ablazetus anymore nor does someone named Blaze" The guy in front of them laughed "You all must be going through a lot to name such a sad name" He mockingly laughed.

Meanwhile, all of them awkwardly cringed at the memory.

"So...? What should we name our Mafia gang?" Chan asked, sitting beside Seungmin and intentionally, nudging him "I still can't believe that we are no longer criminals but we are going to work under the government because...they gave us a chance" 

"They sure did now, decide the name for the mafia gang and your code names," Minho said.

Minho who was looking at Jisung the whole time became confused when he saw Jisung perking up "I got an idea for the mafia gang's name!!"

Everyone turned their attention to the squirrel boy "What about...Diamond the ultimate-" Before he could finish, Minho slapped his hand over his mouth "No Love." Minho shook his head in disapproval while his husband just glared at him.

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