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Chapter 27: Peter

"So you're telling me you haven't asked Jisung to be your boyfriend yet?!" Chan asked, a disappointed look washing over his face when the latter nodded

 "Wow you're pathetic" Minho shot a glare at Hyunjin who raised his hands in surrender.

"No, but seriously, 'cause I already asked your brother to be my boyfriend," Changbin said. "You what?" The realization struck the shortest and he chuckled nervously "...Surprise?"

"Wow, Frank didn't even tell me" He raised his eyebrows in confusion when he saw Changbin's eyes getting sad all of a sudden "What happened?"

"Don't call him Frank Hyung. He earns to hear you call him by his name again. He misses those times when you were Minho and he was...Uh-Yongbok I think" Minho softly smiled, taking notes to do what the other was saying.

"What should I do then?... I mean How should I ask Jisung to be my boyfriend? Should I go now and-" He let out a surprise noise when Chan yanked him back on the couch 

"Take him on a date"

"A date?"

"Yeah, a date"

"That's a very good idea but...I can't" They all shot the leader a look demented by confusion "We have a mission soon. I swear after that I will" They all smiled at confirmation. 

The door, all of a sudden taking them by surprise slammed open. Out of reflexes, they all stood up, aiming their guns towards the door. A man, also known as Jason, a flame stood there, his face covered with a horrified expression "There's a bomb in your mansion!!" 


Minho was internally praising Jason when he saw Jason bought a lot of men and a bomb diffuser. "Hurry!! check every inch of the mansion!!" Chan yelled, helping them.

Minho ran over to his room, fumbling in his closet and everywhere. He ran out making his way to another room. He saw a man going to check in Jisung's room "Hey you check that room. I'll check this one" 

He entered Jisung's room. Again, checked his bathroom drawer and cupboard. He made his way to his closet, hesitating at first.

It's not the time to have dirty thoughts Minho! Calm your tits!!

He opened his closet, going through every section when opened the accessory drawer he halted.

He stared at it wide-eyed.

His breath became shallow.

Everything became silent, he could hear his heart hammering in his chest.

The necklace.

His necklace.

What was it doing here?

His legs moved on their own and suddenly he was downstairs. His hand clutched the necklace. "Chan handle all of this!!" With that, he left. 

He ran and ran and ran and then he stopped. He stared up at the mansion, haunting memories flashing in his mind. With hesitation and fear, he rang the bell.

The door opened and he waited no time to barge in and ran straight to the left. He opened the door, and two wide pair of eyes stared at him. 

"Blaze, what are you doing here??" 

"Dad...I-I found this" With trembling hands he raised the necklace for his father to see. An amused expression fell over Jeonsuk "Where did you find this?" He asked "In J-jisung's-"

"I always doubted that boy. Listen Minho, I think the secret agent from West Hail who killed Mi Chae and Peter is Jisung." Minho felt a wave of anger crawling up "What? Dad, How can Jisung kill-...It happened 9 years ago for fucks sake. Jisung would've been so young. How can he-" Minho took a deep breath calming himself down. 

"A secret agent, Minho. A fucking secret agent is someone who we least expect." He didn't want to believe it. And he won't make himself believe it "I am not listening to your bullshit now!!" 

Jeonsuk slammed his hand on the table "You won't talk to me like that!!" Minho didn't wait there for a second.

He left the place eight after.

Tears streamed down his cheek as voices rang in his head. He thought all of this was over. But now that the suffering has become his shadow it won't let go.

It was suffocating him. He fell on his knees, A frustrated scream left his mouth. He yelled his heart out. 

He took the necklace delicately holding it. He turned it around, a broken smile forming on his face when he saw the initials engraved on it.


Everything was settled when he came back. To no avail, There wasn't a single clue who planted the bomb in the mansion. 

Jisung hopped his way to Minho, a huge smile on his face "Min look!!" He cheered. Minho sighed and smiled "Did you enjoy it?" Minho asked, today Jeongin, Felix, Seungmin, and Jisung went to explore Seuol "Of course!! It was so much fun! I bought many things. Wanna see them?" Minho curtly nodded and followed Jisung who was already in their room.

Jisung kept showing him many albums and clothes that he bought and Minho replied with 'That's good' or 'Looks nice'. Jisung wasn't dumb to not notice his lover's down mood. 

"What's wrong?" He sat next to him on the bed and held his hand. Minho didn't say anything and simply shook his head. 

Jisung frowned when he saw the lack of response "Okay then...I'll be coming in a minute" Minho nodded again.

When Jisung came back he plastered a smirk on his face "Let's go" Minho looked up "Where-" He chuckled when he saw Jsung dressed in training attire "It's been a while. Let's train" Jisung shrugged.

"Sure but I won't hold back" Minho smirked 

"No need for that"

He lifted him by his chin and then smirked mockingly at him "Tired, love?" Jisung gritted his teeth annoyed and then in one swift motion. 

He grabbed Minho's hand from his chin twisting it outward with a jerk, sending a shooting pain up in his arm. He didn't wait for a blink before shoving the older in the wall. 

Minho grabbed his wrist and pushed him back. Jisung fell on his butt and then swing his leg out, aiming for Minho's ankle. Minho fell by the force right beside Jisung.

The training drifted his mind a lot and he was thankful to Jisung for that. He turned in Jisung's direction, his locking with the doe one. 

His eyes traveled to his lips, a little blood flowing from it. He leaned in locking his lips with Jisung, they closed their eyes devouring every moment of it. 

"Does it hurt?" He spoke. 

Jisung smiled. "Not at all"

 Minho responded with a smirk. They pulled back and locked their eyes, a twinkle in their gaze.

Tell me what you think exactly happened in their past.


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