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Chapter 15: Distracts

And as soon as he had leaned in, he leaned away with a hand clasped over his mouth. What were they doing?

They shouldn't do this.

Minho and Jisung started at each other in shock slowly realizing what they were doing. Jisung opened his mouth to say something but before he could, he was pinned against the wall, harshly. He grunted and looked at Minho's face which looked emotionless. His eyes wandered on the older's face as he was trying to see or read his expression which he sadly, wasn't able to. "Don't." Minho growled "Huh?" Jisung's voice came out almost as a whisper. He struggled to get himself free from Minho's grip. His wrists were probably gonna strained by how tight Minho's grip was. "Don't ever mention what happened moments ago" It hurt, It hurt both of them. Jisung felt the hole in his heart deepening, The crack in his heart widening, The pain in him increasing, The tears in his eyes welling. "If you do..." Minho's voice brought him back "Then consider seeing your friends again will be the last time" Why? Why do his words stab their hearts? It hurt like hell. Minho's warm touch that Jisung was leaning onto was becoming cold.

"I'll kill you myself" Minho glared at him hard, He let go of his wrist and turned to exit "All of it...was a mistake" Words hit harder than reality does and when reality and words connect it takes no time to make you suffer.


The orchestra was right beside him. The audience was right in front of him and The member of  West Hail was sitting in the audience. 

The song started along with his melodious voice. He took a deep breath before starting.  A smile crept its way on his lips. He felt a weird warm sensation in his stomach. The music was something that was always with him. He never knew he would perform with his best friend like this. His best friend, Music. The hall was dim, the only attention was on Jisung, who stood on the stage under the lights. The mask covered half of his face, not his smile. He kept going on not breaking the flow, the rhythm, even for a second. His accent perfectly blended. The belt of his suit emphasizes his slim waist. He looked magnificently beautiful. That is what he thought. 

The rime stone and glitter on his face and fingernails sparkled under the golden light. His glorious voice took everyone under a spell. No, not a spell, It was music. That takes everyone to a whole different world. His negative and sad thoughts were all forgotten just when he started singing. The member of West Hail who also goes by Silva was looking straight into his eyes. Not only did he was looking, at all of them, the whole audience was mesmerized by him. He forgot.

He forgot he was on a mission. He felt light as if all the burden, all the suffering he had gone through..all of it was gone. All he could think of was music. He closed his eyes, a bright smile forming on his lips displaying his pearly teeth on display.

Meanwhile, His grip tightened around his gun. The head of the gun pointing at his target. One shot and they were done but it will create a huge ruckus in the hall. so, he has to wait. Wait till he is a little out of the audience's sight. Everything was going as planned but what was not was that Minho changed his target. His gun was not pointed at Silva. He was not waiting for Silva to move from the audience's sight. His target was not Silva at that moment, His target was Jisung. 

"and make sure to kill anyone who distracts you" These words were spoken by none other than Minho's father Lee Jeonsuk. The man whom Minho never in his life can look down on. His hands started shaking. He has killed hundreds of people before but then why? Why couldn't he shoot him, shoot Jisung? Jisung's smile was all he could look at. Jisung's voice was all he could hear. But his father's orders were all he could follow. But then why? Why couldn't his heart go along with that order? Why did it have to beat again like it used to? The heart that couldn't hurt anyone.

He took a shaky breath in before lowering his gun with trembling hands. His eyes never left Jisung dilated when he saw Felix coming from behind. What is he doing here? Minho thought. 

His hand clutched tightly on his gun when he looked around to find Silva but no, he was not there in the crowd. But when his eyes looked back at Jisung, he felt a sudden eruption of rage, A dangerous, deadly one. Silva was there, in front of Jisung and Felix with Jisung at gunpoint. Minho's leg worked on his own and he ran up to them. Silva's smile grew wider when he saw Minho who had a mask on his face. Minho shot the table nearby, causing the crowd the scream and run. Not even in 5 minutes, the hall was empty. Minho's glare burned on Silva's skin. Silva dugged his gun into Jisung's head causing Jisung to groan. 

Minho raised his hand and now Silva was on the floor. It took him 0.1 seconds to land a punch hard enough to make Silva unconscious. Jisung eyes widened when he saw Silva on the floor. He looked at Felix who looked unbothered about it and then at Minho. The sight made his heart twist, Minho looked furious. Like he would kill anyone next who dared to mess with him. But what Jisung noticed was how terrified his eyes looked. Like he was scared to lose someone important. Their eyes connected and Jisung's heart paced. Minho grabbed his arm and pulled him closer "Are you okay?" His breath scanned Jisung's forehead "I am okay.." Jisung felt his eyes welling up with tears. He felt warm being held like this but a few minutes ago he was being  pointed by a gun at his head. If he would talk to himself, he wouldn't deny that he was shaken up by the incident. 

Felix grabbed Jisung's hand and pulled him behind him. Felix glared at Minho "What were you doing?!"

"What I was doing?! What about you?! You were supposed to be there for the lookout! Why didn't you tell me Silva was coming for Jisung?!" Minho gritted his teeth "I was screaming at the top of my lungs but was your earpiece defective? No, cause It was showing that it was still working on the monitor but You wouldn't pick up! What were you doing blaze?!" Felix's eyes were filled with tears. "If I didn't come here earlier...Jisung would've been.." Felix gulped "What do you mean?" Minho's voice roared "Silva found out about us being here and then he came from behind with a..dagger and his dagger was inches away from Jisung's back..I-I made a run when you didn't respond" A tear fell from Felix'eyes "I am glad he is okay.."

"Fra-" Minho stopped when he heard a sniffle. He looked past Jisung who was trying his best to not make a sound as he was crying. The sight broke his heart. Felix smiled "He is okay-" Minho pushed Felix gently and walked passed him to Jisung silently. A gasp escaped from Felix's mouth when he saw Jisung. Jisung took steps back when Minho came closer "Smoke..." Minho tried his best to not call him Jisung because they were on a mission. He curled his hands in a tight fist before wrapping his arms around Jisung. Jisung legs wobbled but Minho catched him. His tears staining Minho's shirt. Minho soothed his back gently. He didn't know what he was doing but he knew he should be doing that.

His embrace was so strong and reassuring. Jisung pressed his face against his chest, His shoulders heaving while he rubbed a hand over his back. Minho slid his arms inside Jisung's knees and picked him up in a bridal style for the second time with Jisung's crying never-ending. Felix followed them silently not uttering another word. He grabbed Silva and dragged him with them to the car. 

The whole ride Jisung kept trying to stop crying but he couldn't, He couldn't stop when Minho's chin rested on his head, when minho gave him full access to cry on his chest, not when Minho was being like this. 

Minho looked at Jisung with sad eyes, his own eyes getting glossy. 

I am sorry I pushed you before

Okay, I am a veryyyy sentimental person and I bawled my eyes out while proofreading this chapter.

I hope the story is k.

Again, I am just 13 yrs old whose first language isn't even English sooo bear w mee


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