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Chapter 21: Twisted


He pinned him against the wall kissing him sloppily. He sneaked his hands in his shirt caressing his exposed skin. Their tongue fought for dominance but Minho won. 

They made their way to the kitchen without disconnecting their lips. Minho licked his neck before biting making Jisung moan. Jisung walked backward as Minho pressed himself onto him.  He reached the counter and Minho lifted him onto it, then stood between the younger's legs. They were fully clothed but the few buttons from the tops were unbuttoned and Jisung's shirt was lifted a bit.

 Jisung's skin tingled under his touch letting out whimpers. He wrapped his legs around Minho's torso, The older lifted him and took him to the bedroom.

 Minho turned them around and shut the door loudly, the noise ringing only slightly making Jisung flinch. His large hands put pressure on his small waist and pushed the man's back into the closed door. His hands then dragged down onto Jisung's thighs, instantly getting the hint Jisung jumped onto Minho's waist and looped his legs around his hips once again.

 Jisung let his arms drape across Minho's neck and his hands brushed against his nape. The older eyes only fluttered closed for a second before looking down at his lips. He saw the pink lips slowly rise into a small mysterious smirk. Jisung traveled his eyes all over the strong lean body. He got it anyway, why not take a glance?

 He knew he could look and touch right now if he truly wanted to but he wasn't one for first moves. Minho leaned in and looked into Jisung's eyes for confirmation. Jisung chuckled softly and smashed his lips onto the plump lips in front of him. 

Minho shut his eyes and kissed him back. The pressure on his back was getting stronger and he wanted nothing more than to feel Minho. The young boy let his legs fall and began to walk frontwards pulling Minho with him not daring to take his lips off his. 

The older tilted his head for better access leaving one last passionate kiss. He pulled away and grabbed Jisung's wrist.

 He pushed him softly against the bed. Laid down on the bed Jisung pulled himself up to get more comfortable. Minho positioned himself on top of Jisung, caging him in between his arms. Jisung looked into Minho's eyes and could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. '

How could someone look at me like that?' Thoughts ringing in the head were shut off when Jisung grabbed Minho's nape again and let his lips find Minho's.

 Letting himself sink into the bed he couldn't help but feel butterflies when Minho let his tongue glide onto his bottom lip, his finger lingering under Hans's shirt rubbing small circles. A gasp was let out when Minho bit his lips. The older snuck his tongue into the wet cavern and tasted every part he could've thought of.

 Imagination could run as wild as possible but never beat the intense emotion running through his body, blood running lukewarm. His hands lingered higher up Jisung's body as he shivered from the cold soft fingertips. 

His lips never leaving the other he ran his palm on Jisung's rib cage. "Shit Minho please.." Older smirked in victory as he was waiting for such pleasing words. 

 "What's wrong Princess? Anything you need?" 

Jisung shut his eyes tightly and Minho let go of his rib cage and instead grabbed Jisung's wrist pinning them above his head. 

Jisung whined and shook his head a little. "Hm, no comment? Do you want to be left here? Anything you ask..." Minho slowly let his grip go from his wrist but Jisung quickly shook his head and pouted.

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