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Chapter 11: Lie

Why? Why did it have to be Felix? Couldn't it be his enemy? But it is the bitter truth that betrayal never comes from your enemy. 

Changbin finally started to see a door of happiness in his life, he started to believe that Felix was the remedy that was healing him but no, who could've thought that he broke him even more. He didn't know what to do but what he knows is, that he needed answers. He needed some decent fucking answers for his tears and pain. He was broken out of his trance when he heard the door unlocking. His head was hung low. He waited, He waited for the voice to echo in that cold room but it never came. Slowly, he lifted his head only to freeze when his eyes locked with the Aussie. 

"Hyung..." Felix gulped the tension lingering in the air. "What do you want?... Why are you here?" He sniffled "I am sorry..." Felix bit his lips suppressing a sob "No no, Don't be because I know you are not" Felix ran a hand through his hair and sighed "Listen, I-"

"There is nothing to listen to, explain, or clarify. What happened. We, I, and not even you can change it" Changbin looked straight into Felix's eyes "I know! I know I hid so many things from you! and I feel terrible that even after that I want you to have no doubt. I don't want you to have a me" A tear fell.

"Felix...all you have done is lie" Crack "You lied" Crack "To me" Crack "And to the people I love-"
Love,  A word that is lacking in Felix's life but He is sure that this word has now entered his life "I know...But the thing that I didn't lie about is...that I love you" Changbin eyes dilated "No no you do-"

"I do! I love you! I love you! I fucking love you! I'll tell you this every time you try to shut me up!! Believe it or not! accept it or not! return it not! I don't fucking care!! I have feelings for you and that's fucking final and I'll get you outta here just to prove my love!" Felix glared at Changbin who was too stunned to speak. Changbin wanted to punch himself because he being a coward didn't say anything and just watched. Watched how one after another tears escaped Felix's eyes and wetted his cheeks. Watched how Felix looked at him with desperate eyes wanting him to speak. Watched how Felix fully broke down and left. 

And watched himself slowly breaking down too. 


"This was it smoke. Now, let's make you an official flame" For some reason, Yeonjun's voice was still laced with coldness. If Jisung comes to think of it, Yeonjun was very cheery and bubbly in the beginning but the second he met him, the aura that surrounded him was freezing and unwelcoming. It ticked him off so much that he spoke out "Um Yeonjun...Where is your cheery self that I met the first time?" Shit. That sounded rude "I-I didn't mean-" Jisung sealed his lips when he heard a faint sigh leaving Yeonjun's mouth "I guess I can't hide it from you right?" Jisung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "Sir told me to act like this"

"Huh? Why?"

"He told me to not make you feel welcome as you are just a misunderstanding. I am sorry Jisu-Smoke but I can't go against his orders" Jisung felt a pianful pang in his heart with his words. "Bitch" Jisug muttered "Don't worry, you can act around as cold as much as you want. Now that I know you don't mean it. I-it's alright" Jisung smiled a little "Let's go?"

"Let's go"

Although Jisung, with determination in his voice said 'Let's go' Didn't have a hint of where they were going. But he knew for sure that he was going to get a tattoo. After Yeonjun shook hands with a boy shorter than him, the boy led them to a room filled with equipment for making tattoos. "What's your name?" The boy asked "Uh-Smoke" Jisung looked at Yeonjun who nodded at his answer  "Your real name kid" 

Kid? Bruh look at yourself, Jisung thought. "It's Jisung, Han Jisung"  The boy's expression twitched a bit but he acted like nothing happened "Sit here" He motioned Jisung to sit on a red chair with a headrest. He turned Jisung's head a bit so his neck was exposed. "It will sting. Don't flinch" And then without another warning he started craving the art on Jisung's nape. He was done after 30 minutes. Jisung's nape stung and was sore. He cracked his neck when he was free from the boy's hold. "Hey Yeonjun. What is it?" Jisung pointed at his neck. When Yeonjun leaned a bit to see it. He gasped. "What happened?" Jisung asked "N-nothing. It's a flame just like mine"

"How come I am not able to see it in the mirror?"

"That's because it is drawn a bit down so you won't be able to see it" Jisung huffed "Then, can I see yours?" He asked "Yeah sure have a look"


"Smoke" Minho called out to Jisung who was now in his room "Yess minho~" Jisung smirked when he saw Minho's annoyed expression "It's time for training" Minho didn't even wait for Jisung and started walking. "So, what are we gonna do today?" Jisung swayed left to right "Nothing special in particular and why do you seem so cheerful today?" Minho glanced at him "Why? Can I not be happy?" Jisung pouted "Ew" Jisung gritted his teeth trying his best to maintain his cool "Yeah ew. Hahaha," Jisung laughed half-heartily. "Um, Minho wait," Jisung said "What happened?" Minho raised his eyebrow "I need to change my clothes" Jisung shrugged "Yeonjun got you clothes?". "Yeah"

"Okay then, Go fast but don't take more than 10 minutes" Jisung nodded aggressively and ran off to his room.

I was about to ask Yeonjun if he bought Jisung clothes or not but I guess he did it just after I told him. Minho thought. Minho started walking back and forth waiting for Jisung to come out. His head was hung low. When he turned around he saw a pair of black boots. He looked up only to see a man in his 50s smiling at him. "Father?" Minho smiled "Hi son"

Minho bowed at him 90 degrees "How are you?" Minho's father who goes by Lee Jeonsuk patted Minho's head "I am here to meet my son and my wife" Minho's shoulder fell in disappointment when he said wife. "Yeah...her" Minho looked at Jeonsuk with full respect "I want to give you something," Jeonsunk said "What is it?" A weird feeling occurred in Minnho's chest after a long time. Ever since he was little, his father would rarely bring things to him. The only thing he brought was **** so he could practice with them. Minho would deny it multiple times but after ***** ****** He gave in and when his father told him who ****** his ***** and *****. He started thinking highly of his father.

"Blaze. Here, have this money" Jeonsuk handed Minho and bag "This is for Ablazetus okay? and make sure to kill anyone who distracts you" And with that, he left and didn't even look back at Minho once but even if he did, he would have looked at the leader of Ablazetus, not his son minho. 

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