Ruthless or Kind?🥀

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Chapter 19: Ruthless or Kind?

He needs to find the answers to those questions that live in Jisung.

So he will. He will find the answers.

Who killed Han Beomsuk? The next thing Minho did after going to his room was call Taehyun. And of course, it is not easy because they have tried a million ways and failed miserably. Minho went to his room and let out a small gasp when he saw Jisung sleeping peacefully. He sat on the bed beside him and raised his hand only to rest it on Jisung's head. He slightly ruffled the younger's hair, His eyes widening when he saw Jisung's eyes opening. The squirrel-like boy sat up and yawned "What were you doing?"

"There was uh- a bug in your hair!" Minho smiled awkwardly "A BUG?! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD FUCKKK-" Jisung jumped right on Minho who caught him. They ended up with Jisung on top of Minho. Jisung gulped when he saw Minho's eyes which now looked full of hope. He, getting out of his trance moved his hands causing him to fall on him more. His hands were holding on for their dear life. There were only inches in between their lips. They could feel each other's breath on their lips. Minho finally realizing what was happening grabbed Jisung by his hips and stood up. 

This only made the situation worse as Jisung was now on his lap with his hands practically groping him

Jisung's cheeks immediately went on fire. He squeezed Minho's shoulder praying to keep his moan in when Minho's grip tightened. "M-minho..." Minho groaned hearing his name. Jisung unconsciously started grinding. Minho quickly stopped Jisung. Both were covered in sweat. "um" Jisung practically dashed out of the room almost tripping. "I am gonna go and get water!!" He yelled when he was out. 

Minho ran his fingers in his hair "Oh my god..." He went to the washroom to do his business.


It was almost 10 at night. Christmas was coming to its end. Jisung sighed for the hundredth time that day. "So, this was how my Christmas was gonna go" He pouted. 

He got up to open the door when he heard a knock on his door. He was surprised to see Minho there. A flash of their previous meeting made him flush beet red. Minho handed him two boxes covered in cute snowman gift wraps. He stared at them shocked. "Merry Christmas" And then he handed the box to Jisung's hands before taking his leave leaving a dumbfounded Jisung.

Jisung stared at the two boxes for a minute. One was a small one and the other one huge. He opened the big one first. His eyes welled up with tears when he saw his belongings. He fumbled with them until he found it. 

His necklace

He had a habit of not taking the necklace out with him and that's why when he got kidnapped, He was never able to have it. He quickly wore it. Wrapping its pendant in his palm. He clutched it near his heart letting out a shaky breath.

He couldn't help but whisper a tiny 'Thank you' to Minho who wasn't even present right at the moment. He opened the smaller box and was surprised to see another box labeled as 'Buttercup café'

His lips curved upwards after seeing the cheesecake inside. But then another thing caught his eyes. The box had a package too. He tore it open and gasped when he saw a brand new phone in it.

Why was the cold, heartless, ruthless Mafia so kind, warm, and caring?

Because he was always the latter, he was made like this. Behind his cold exterior, there is a soft, calm, and beautiful personality.

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