Source of Light🥀

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Chapter 17: Source of Light

The energetic and bubbly aura starting to radiate from him seemed low today.

Even Minho noticed it. Last night, Minho slept on the floor right beside the bed on which Jisung was sleeping. He could hear his soft snore all night long. They were somehow comforting for Minho. And the sight of Jisung in his hoodie and shorts was even adorable but of course, Minho wouldn't admit that. No matter how much of a strong man he was, sleeping on the floor had to be the most difficult and painful task. He wasn't asleep yet he was. A few moments earlier, He stirred up before folding his blanket and throwing his pillow on the bed. He groaned when he felt his sore back. He stopped stretching when his eyes landed on Jisung. Jisung looked so peaceful. His cute boop-able nose, long eyelashes, chubby cheeks, and eyes. Everything about him was perfect.

He found himself staring when the younger squirmed in his sleep. Minho furrowed his eyebrow confused. His eyes dilated when he heard the younger whimper. He is having a nightmare! Minho taking the hint shook jisung trying to wake him up. "Smoke! wake up! Smok-Jisung!!" Panic washed over his face when he saw tears streaming down his cheeks. He shook him harder and then his eyes fluttered open. Both of them looked into each other's eyes. Jisung eyes look frightened and Minho's eyes are filled with concern. Jisung's tears didn't stop, He was breathing heavily. When Minho moved, he grabbed his hands and pulled the older back. Minho let out a gasp when he was pulled back. His eyes widened when he saw Jisung shaking his head aggressively. "D-don't-" He let out a sob.

Minho didn't know what to do, He just stared at him. "Please-" Jisung said, slowly raising his hands to pull his hair. "No" Minho stopped him. He sat on the bed and hesitantly cupped Jisung's face "What happened Jisung?" He gulped when Jisung whimpered and didn't said anything "Everything's okay..." And then Minho noticed how the energetic and bubbly aura starting to radiate from him seemed low today. No, not just because he was crying but because something seemed off. He didn't know what but something did. Warmness engulfed them along with a fuzzy feeling in their stomach. "I-I-...Grandpa..*sob* Today I-I was going to visit him..." Tears started forming in Minho's eyes too. He looked up praying for them to go back. "Shh.." He wiped the younger's tears. "Christmas is supposed to be a happy festival!! Why can't it be for me?!" Jisung held Minho's hand that rested on his cheek. Minho let him speak, there was a time when he was like this but the difference was that there was nobody to listen to him.

"Suffering has...become my shadow. Wherever I go...It follows" Jisung chuckled drily. What he didn't know was that the chuckle broke minho. 

"Then I'll be the source of light to prevent it" It came, It just came out of his mouth unconsciously. 


Chan brought Jeongin and Changbin there when he heard what happened with Jisung's mission he felt the need for Changbin to know how Jisung was. So, he bought them for Jisung. Felix, of course, was now Jisung's best friend and also came along with Seungmin. And Hyunjin was already in the mansion. 

"Hannie!!" Felix came running toward Jisung and crashed into him, but even a minute later, he was pulled back by his arms. He rolled his eyes when he saw Minho was the one to pull him. "What?" He said, removing Minho's hand from his arm "He is injured" Minho rolled his eyes back at Felix. "Right.." Felix smiled teasingly before turning around and this time carefully hugging Jisung. "Are okay now?" They both smiled "I am..." Jisung's eyes locked with Minho.

When Felix in the corner of his eyes saw Changbin hesitating to approach Jisung as he was hugging Jisung, with a huff he let go of him and walked passed him making sure to give him a little nudge. Changbin sighed before grabbing Jisung by his shoulder "Are you okay?! Does it hurt a lot?! Oh, my gosh-I was just so-so damn worried!" Changbin pulled the younger in a hug. 

"Innie did a great job there" They all turned around to see Seungmin standing, his condition a lot better than their previous meeting "Thanks Hyung~" Jeongin flashed him a smile "This boy barely passed in his exams and now he is a doctor? Can't believe it" Jeongin huffed at the spoken words by Jisung 

"Make sure to remind me to take your kidney out when I'll be treating you" Everyone laughed at the comment. Even Minho's lips curved slightly. That didn't go unnoticed by Jeongin who came towards Minho and surprising everyone including Minho hugged him "Are you okay hyung?" 

"Uh-Yes I am Jeongin-ah" Minho's smile brought warmness in the air but chills to Chan, "Is this the last day of my life" Chan said, clutching his heart dramatically "It was not. But now I think  so" Chan smiled when Minho glared at him. 

"Uhhh Guys? Are we gonna ignore the fact that today is Christmas??" Hyunjin scratched his head confused "Wait a damn minute-Christmas is not today?! Oh god! I even gifted kkami a gift. Now what? I have to give her another gift on Christmas-"

"Hyunjin! Merry Christmas!" Chan cut him off and smiled. They all greeted each other hugging and laughing. It felt weird. They were not supposed to be friends, Half of them were their ...their what? Enemy? slave? Misunderstanding? They didn't know what. But they knew being separated from them would be painful...Just a little. But there was an odd one, Minho who just thought of them as a distraction. Maybe not his heart, The heart his father planted in him.

The chattering stopped in an instant when they heard Yeonjun's voice "Mrs Lee please don't go-" Yeonjun sounded desperate. And then she came into view, Lee Nari came inside with a box in her hand. Jisung quickly glanced at Minho. His stomach twisted when he saw Minho curling his fist. Jisung gulped and came forward "Mrs Lee!! How are you?" He kept stealing glances towards Minho who looked like he would erupt any moment. He started breathing heavily confused about what to do to handle the situation "I am doing perfectly fine my child...How are you? Nobody told me that you were injured. Yeonjun tried to stop me but I came here as fast I could. I am sorry honey" Nari looked deeply guilty and that made Jisung sad too.

"Don't be a-and I am perfectly fine" Yeah. Fine. Why was that word easy to say but hard to turn it into reality "No, no you're not...Jisung, come live with me in my part of the house-"

"ENOUGH!!" Minho slammed his hand hard on the glass table shattering it. "JUST GET OUT!! Yeonjun! What the fuck is she doing here?!!" Jisung looked at Minho shocked. Yes, he knew he was a mafia but he never saw Minho's true anger.His true wrath. His voice brought chills to everyone. Nobody dared to say a word and move. They stared at them wide-eyed "I tried but she-" 

"Don't worry. I'll end her right here. right now"Minho moved forward and stood in front of Nari. He took his gun out and pointed it at Nari who stood there looking betrayed. 

Everybody gasped...

 when Jisung came in front of the gun.

SwEEt DrEaMs aRe MaDe oF tHeSE


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