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Chapter 25: Pretend

Holding a party was a bad idea.

Bad bad idea.

Gunshots rang in their heads but they were too drunk to understand.

Minho threw Jisung on his shoulder, gripping tightly on his waist. He shot a person hiding behind the couch with his other free hand. Unfortunately, he missed by an inch. The person shot him back. Minho jumped to the side with Jisung in his arms.

He rolled towards the left, shielding themselves behind the table. He looked at Jisung who was now under him as he lay on top of him. "Minhooo~ What the *hiccup* friggity fish are you doingg?! Stop moving so mushhhh" Minho covered his mouth when he saw multiple people lurking around trying to find them.

Apparently, the security wasn't tight enough. And some of their enemies barged in. 'Who invited them?' Were the words Felix said.

welp, drunk Felix said.

They did enjoy themselves for an hour or two, ending up with a drunk Jisung, Felix, and Jeongin. And then something unexpected but somehow expected happened and some people dressed in all black barged in.

"Felix please for god's sake zip up your mouth" Changbin pleaded. Taking his gun out and shooting a man who was coming right at them. "Cooking like a chefff *Hiccup* I am fOive star michlennn." Felix sang, his voice getting a lot deeper. Changbin looked to his left spotting Chan helping Jeongin.

"Innie, you are doing good now stand up, and let's get out of here" Unlike everyone, Chan tried to be as gentle as possible "Why your NAme ChriSS??" Jeongin tilted his head.

"Cause that's my name" Chan awkwardly chuckled, knowing absolutely nothing to do. "Baby stand up we need to get outta here" Chan swore he could feel his eyes burning up with tears as he looked at Jeongin who had a huge pout on his face.

He was whipped.

He knew that.

and he didn't care.

Nor did the author-

Chan saw a man launching right toward him, he fumbled with his gun, letting out a curse when he saw he was out of bullets. He shielded Jeongin with his body, waiting for the pain but he only heard a body collide with the floor. He looked up and was surprised to see both Seungmin and Hyunjin fighting.

Yes, Seungmin.

The way he was knocking them out looked too professional. His every attack looked easy to attempt which in reality was quite the opposite. He knew how to use his body.

They were in awe.

Except one.

Minho started at the two, his eyes getting darker. He looked down at Jisung who was halfway asleep.

"Who the actual fuck are you two and why did you do that? I know nothing about you Hwang Hyunjin"

"Absolutely nothing"

.   .   .   .

Changbin tried his best to ignore the weird noises Felix was making "Hyungggg~~" Felix called out "What is it?" Changbin replied keeping his eyes on the road 

"Do you hate me?~"

Changbin snapped his eyes to Felix's. His eyes softened when he saw some tears welling up in the younger's eyes "Of course not"

"Then, Do you love me?"

Changbin gulped knowing exactly where this was going. One after another tears started escaping his eyes "Why can't you love me?!" 

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