Broken Glass🥀

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Chapter 2: Broken Glass

A long-haired boy barged inside ignoring the tension in the room or more like the basement "Blaze you won't believe what I've got!" The boy that goes by 'weapon' smiled widely.

 A shorter boy wiped his hands which were covered in red liquid which was most likely dry. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop barging in!!? " The shorter whose name is feared the most raised his voice and slammed the boy into the wall by picking him up by his collar.

A person who is unknown to all this will probably be terrified but "hahaha~ You're so funny blaze~" The boy who is pinned to the wall laughed. 

The other loosened his grip and backed off inhaling a sharp breath trying to calm himself down. "Weapon, you know how stressed I am right?"

"Yeah, that is why you were relieving your stress by killing a person" Weapon sassed "Watch your tongue, you're not a flame so I'll not hesitate to torture you till death" Blaze glared at Weapon "Now tell me what have you got"

"Okay there's this new gun, I named it X25-h.5 It is practically the best one I have. So I wanted my dear friend Blaze to try it first!" He smiled wider. 

After some chit-chat. Blaze's cold gaze turned freezing. Weapon clearly understood that it was something serious.

"I'm all ears blaze, tell me what happened?"

"So, you know our next mission right?" Weapon nodded "There is a serial killer around and the fact that my best hacker taehyun was not able to track nor find his identity is a red flag. He killed 11 people in a row in 13 days that includes Dr. Kang, who I needed to get information out of him and he is fucking dead just because of that rat!!. We need to capture him. He is a big threat to us and the fact that he is also going to Seoul for his next target is perfect" Blaze smirked. 

Weapon opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.

"L-let me g-go" A man, who was covered in blood coughed. Hyunjin hissed disgusted by the red liquid "My f-famliy needs me" 

Blaze instantly started laughing at the spoken words by a half-dead man. "Your family needs you? You are worthless!! A fucking r***st!! You are just like're fun till you have your effect but in the end, you leave everyone with a hangover. Just like you took advantage of your family" With that minho kicked him in the face knocking out the man.

"Dear serial killer, I will tell you nicely what happens when you get in the way of Ablazetus"


After school ended jisung and jeongin decided to go to changbin's café to visit him. When they walked out they seemed to notice the stare that was from 5 boys who were leaning on the wall. Jeongin felt jisung's body tense so, he looked at him "Are you okay hyung?" 

"I am perfectly fine" Jisung smiled widely to convince him but it was obvious that he was lying as he was fidgeting with his necklace. 

yet, jeongin let it slide not wanting to force the older. Jisung always fidgets with his necklace whenever he has mixed feelings. they both arrived at the café and saw a boy with white hair sitting on the counter talking with changbin. 

He was pretty cute and they noticed both changbin and the boy blushing a bit.

A smirk crept its way onto jisung and Jeongin's faces as soon as they approached them with villainous intent "Changbin~~" Jisung wiggled his eyebrow "Huh?- jisung? jeongin? " Changbin seemed to be confused with their presence 

"Who are they?" The white-haired boy asked "I am the mom and changbin's the dad and Jeongin's the child" Jisung pointed at changbin and then at jeongin.

"What? Changbin you are dating someone and you have a child?" The boy raised his eyebrow not happy with it "What? You believe them? No ew, I would rather date a potato instead of dating jisung and no, they both are my children more like younger brothers" changbin said and looked at jisung with pure disgust who gave him a smug grin. 

"Who are you?" Jeongin tilted his head, a habit of him. "I am F-frank. Changbin's friend" He smiled and jeongin swore he needed sunglasses that time. He was too bright but jisung seemed to notice a tint of sadness in his eyes and how his smile seemed to be fake. 

"Frank? That's an odd name. Are you from abroad?" Jeongin blinked his eyes "Y-yes I am from Australia" He shuttered, still not used to his code name.

"You're nice" Jisung smiled to which both jeongin and changbin got a little shaken. "We are borrowing changbin hyung for a moment" Jeongin dragged changbin with him and jisung followed them before waving goodbye to Frank.

"Who is he hyung?~" Jeongim smirked to which changbin blushed a bit "He told you that he is my friend. what's there to talk about?"

"My dear Changbinie hyungie~~~Looks like someone's got a crush" jisung wiggled his eyebrow "Okay fine...he's pretty cute and nice" He smiled "What about you?" changbin looked at jisung "What about me?"

"you never get along with anybody this fast"

"he reminded me of a cat and a cat reminded me of someone I used to know" He smiled sadly as he started fidgeting with his necklace.

"We should get going, bye changbin hyung! make sure to impress him" jeongin giggled and ran out of the café dragging jisung with him.

"Ah~i am so happy for changbin hyung! I hope Frank is nice" jeongin threw his hands in the air. "Ye-" jisung got cut off by a phone call. He perked up when he saw the caller ID. 

"Who is it?" Jeongin raised his eyebrow "Grandpa!" He smiled and picked up the call. "Hello-"

"How are you?!" Jisung interrupted him "Is this han jisung?"Jisung calmed himself down when he heard an unfamiliar voice on the line "Yes..."

"I am sorry to say but your grandfather was killed last night by the serial killer that everyone is talking about" Again, the broken glass was shattered into pieces. 

His grandfather, the only one who...who cared about him from his family. Christmas was coming up he was going to enjoy it with his grandfather...right? But how? He is nowhere to be found, he is dead. HE IS FREAKING DEAD!!

Jisung fell to his knees surprising jeongin. Jeongin crouched down "What happened?!"

"He-he...G-grandpa Dead? W-what? N-n-no no No! NO NO!!" Jisung began to cry hard. Jeongin eyes dilated at the unexpected news.  He immediately took the phone from jisung and held it to his ears "Hello? I am jisung's friend. Can you tell me what happened?"

" I am Officer Hyun Joo, Last night we got a call from their neighbor saying that they heard screaming. Then we rushed to the Hans residence and we found a boy and a dead body that belonged to Mr. Han. The boy's clothes were drenched in blood. We suspected him as a killer but then he started crying. He said he was the caretaker of the house. When we got to know about his grandson we called you"

It feels weird to write minho so evil and jisung so depressed. :0

Frank: Felix

Blaze: Minho

Weapon: Hyunjin



🥚❤️ :>

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