A reason and opportunity🥀

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Chapter 18: A reason and opportunity 

He had already lost it. But now that someone has it, He will make sure to protect their's.

"Jisung. Move" Minho growled sending a shiver down Jisung's spine but he didn't budge. Instead, he moved forward enough for the gun to touch his forehead. "No," He said, looking straight into the older's eyes "Move or else I'll shoot you" Everyone gasped but nobody moved, they wanted to but they couldn't if they did, either Jisung or them.

"Do it then. Shoot me" Jisung's voice cracked. "I am warning you...I will shoot you" The tension in the air increasing every second "Jisung.....MOVE!!"Minho dug his gun into Jisung's forehead. Jisung winced at the pain. "I said no" Tears didn't come, That's what he was thankful for. Minho came closer, leaning a bit down so their eyes could match. He glared at him. Their noses are inches apart. Jisung felt daggers stabbing him by the glare, He gulped and glanced down only to let out a gasp. Jisung grabbed Minho's hand. "What the fuck are you-"

"You're injured!!" Jisung looked at him with teary eyes "Why-why did you--Ugh there's so much blood!! You idiot!!"They all could just watch. Minho, who was pointing Jisung with a gun with pure rage now seemed confused. He yanked his hand away from Jisung. "Shut up!!" He was about to aim his gun at him again when Jisung slapped him.




The older one didn't say anything "Just listen to me goddammit!! Fuck you!! How can you- How can you threaten to kill your mother?! Huh?! Are you crazy?" Jisung grabbed him by his collar. Minho got a deja vu but this time he was fighting with him for his people. "She is not my mother!!" Minho yelled back.

"Okay but NOW you will come with me" Jisung didn't wait for his response and dragged him to his room.

Without uttering a word he treated his wound. Minho was getting frustrated when Jisung didn't dare to make eye contact. He grabbed Jisung's jaw gently taking him by surprise. Their eyes locked. "Why are you avoiding eye contact?" He tried his best not to sound desperate "Why?.. Why? Let me ask you. Why? Why did you try to kill your damn mother?! Why do you hate her so much?! Why minho?! why?!" He punched his chest. "Everything was on fire but I was the one that was suffering" He didn't understand what the older was saying. But before he could ask, Minho stood up and took his leave.

Minho was hella tired. With his feelings, work, people, and ...Jisung. He didn't understand how fast he gave in to what the younger always said. If you're at gunpoint by Minho then the person can never leave alive. You will most likely be dead.

But He didn't kill Jisung. Even when the younger was getting on his nerves and forcing him to show his murderous rage. He couldn't. He couldn't kill him. He knew it now. He tried it twice not once but Twice yet he failed. The Lee Minho failed to kill a mere person. No, Jisung was just a mere person to him. He was something. Something else.

He halted when he saw Chan helping Nari to stand. Everybody was comforting her. Nobody was there for him. Everybody cared how Jisung was, How Nari was but Minho? They only questioned him. Even Jisung. Was there anyone who asked him how is he feeling? No.

Minho just stared at them, standing quietly. Felix's eyes stopped on Minho but before he could come to him. Hyunjin and Jeongin came running towards him "Minho? Are you okay". "Minho hyung? Are you okay?" They said in unison.

Minho stared at them confused. "What?"

"You are crying" Felix looked at him concerned "Huh?" He touched his face and his eyes dilated when he felt the warm liquid streaming down his cheeks. Why was he crying? He wiped them but they didn't stop. Nari came running towards him "Minho!-" Minho looked at everyone confused "Minho calmed down. Okay? You're okay" Chan comforted him but what he didn't know that Minho was unaware. Unaware of why he was crying, why he was being...cared for and comforted, and why he felt so...so warm.

Nari grabbed his arm and pulled him with her. He didn't yank her away. Her touch felt so safe. Just like Mi chae. He couldn't control and let out a sob. "P-please-" He coughed "Mom- *sob*" He just looked like the 14-year-old Minho, who lost everything including Mi chae, His mother, and *****. A tear escaped from Nari's eyes when she heard Minho calling him 'Mom'.

He took him to his room and gave him water. With trembly hands he took it. When he looked at her, She engulfed him in a warm hug. Minho sobbed in her embrace. She pulled apart but Minho didn't let go of her hand. After minutes of crying, Minho spoke "Why did you take her place?"

"Because she wanted me too" Minho furrowed his eyebrow confused "Here" Nari took a letter out of her Almira and handed it to him. He opened it and began reading.


Hello Min<3

How are you, my child? It's been difficult right? You must have taken over your dad's mafia group...

I know you my dear so I can confirm, You hate Nari. But please don't. I decided to leave you in her hands, In her care. Nari always loved you but she couldn't bear a child and was always sad about it. But then your father asked me to...No I shall not write about that but it gave me a reason and Nari an opportunity. A reason for me to let you go and an opportunity for Nari to have a child. She cried and begged but I didn't listen. I was afraid I'd disappoint Jeonsuk so I did what he said. Don't be angry with him. What he did was just to keep you safe and to convince-

"What? what? wha-" Minho fumbled the paper in his hands "There's no more" Nari said, squeezing Minho's shoulder "I-" He didn't know what to say. This was so unpleasant, upsetting, and ... too much for Minho.

He never felt so bad. 

He turned his whole body towards Nari and held her hands which were previously resting on his shoulder. "Just one. Give me one chance to be the son you want. One chance" He rested her hands on his cheeks. She didn't say anything and just hugged him "You don't have to but I do want you to do one thing" Minho perked up and wiped his tears.

"Please find out who killed Jisung's grandfather"

He didn't need to hear more about why was she asking that.

Because he knew, Jisung reminded her of him also. And they both, Minho and Nari didn't want to lose him again. Yes, he will find out who killed Jisung's grandfather but not out of his guilt and regret. He will do it because he want to.

His heart was now covered with the dust of regret and guilt and when the air of love washed the dust away, there's only one question left.

How did she, Mi chae, knew that she was going to be dead? 

I am tired guys.

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