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Chapter 13: Mission

Nobody was there. 

They all were sitting on huge red couches staring everywhere else but one another. They were there but their mind wasn't, that's why Nobody was there. Changbin wanted to stand up and hug both Jisung and Jeongin close to him but the intense gaze, Minho's and Chan's gaze to be specific, were cold as ice stopping changbin from even moving an inch. Changbin looked at his hands which were curled up in a fist. "Changbin" Minho called out. Changbin looked up at Minho and then looked at Jisung who kept his head down "Yes sir?" Changbin gulped harshly "What do you want to do now?" Minho raised his eyebrow "I-I" He seemed confused. What did he mean by to do next? 

"What he means is that do you want to die or are willing to be a flame" Chan spoke "What the fuck?" Jisung glared at Minho who just glared him back, telling him to shut up "Listen, You guys were all a misunderstanding and I don't want you to be here doing nothing. Nor I can set you four free. So it's like do or die" Minho's voice sounded nothing like a threat, It sounded like a warning. Jisung observed, That when Minho was serious his voice never raised, always almost in a whisper. Jisung looked up and his eyes locked with him. His eyes made Jisung stomach churn. They looked terrified, like any minute something would happen that would take him down. 

Seungmin's eyes looked terrified.

Jisung wanted to engulf the boy in a hug. A warm one. "I guess we have no other choice..." Changbin's voice brought Jisung back "But...Jeongin" Changbin looked at Jeongin who had a sad pout displayed on his lips. "He will not be an-"

"Then he'll be dead" Minho shrugged. Jisung hands curled up in a fist. His nails dug in his palm with so much strength causing them to shake. His breath became heavy but then the oldest spoke "Don't worry Changbin. He'll be a flame but...He'll not be fighting or going to any missions" Chan looked down avoiding Minho's questioning gaze "He'll..he'll handle the medical i.e. he will be a flame as a doctor" Changbin sighed out of relief. But what surprised Chan was Minho didn't question him. Jisung smiled at Chan who returned it surprisingly "Doctor? Then, He will have to study?" Felix said "Yes, I'll take care of that" Chan nodded at the other Aussie.

Suddenly, The door slammed open startling them. Chan, Minho, and Jisung stood up defensively with Jisung swiftly blocking Seungmin who looked too shaken up to protect himself. Their shoulder fell when they saw the gun dealer entering the mansion. Hyunjin's eyes locked with Seungmin. Both of them looked at each other as if they were communicating with each other with their eyes. "I-I-Sorry..I just..." Hyunjin stumbled on his words trying to find what to say "Sit down Weapon" Minho ordered. All of them settled but all of their body remained stiff.

The tension lingering in the air was tight and suffocating, Pushing the word back into their throats. Nobody dared to say a word until Jisung got up and went to the kitchen. Minho observed him before following. He saw Jisung standing near the refrigerator with his back facing him. He slowly went behind him but then Jisung turned around. Both of them stood frozen inches away. Jisung stared at him with wide eyes "What are you doing here?" He didn't know why but his voice came out almost in a whisper. When Minho didn't say anything, Jisung just stared at him. He traced minho's sharp yet soft features internally, Aweing at how handsome the older was. I never paid attention to how handsome Minho- wait what am I thinking?? ...why does he..look so similar to -Jisung was broken out of his trance when minho coughed and backed away. "I could ask the same to you" Minho shrugged "I was- I was...Hungry" Jisung avoided eye contact, He could feel Minho staring at him dumbfounded. "Hungry?" Minho asked "Yes hungry. Now that you're here. Give me food or else I am going to burn your mansion down cause I don't know how to cook-" 

"Okay fine please shut up" Minho rolled his eyes when Jisung glared at him. Minho shoved Jisung to the side and opened the refrigerator. He took out a box labeled 'Buttercup Bakery'. He gave it to Jisung who hesitantly took it from him. "What's this?" Jisung titled his head "Cake." Minho dryly said. Jisung sighed before taking a bite out of the cake. In an instant, His eyes went from dim to sparkly, His jaw dropped before his lips forming a wide gummy smile. Minho found himself staring when Jisung looked at him excitedly "What is this?!" Jisung's hair bounced up and down "It's...It's cheesecake to be specific," Minho said with his eyes never leaving Jisung's face "This so good! How come I never knew this cake  existed?" His smile grew wider by second. He took another bite humming when the sweet desert melted in his mouth. 

"You don't smile often right?" Minho realized what he said when Jisung's smile dropped for a moment "Uh-I mean-" Minho cursed himself for shuttering like an idiot. He didn't know why but he was getting flustered for some reason. He felt a whirling sensation that began deep in his gut and rose through his chest. It gave him goosebumps. He suppressed the impulse to poke jisung's cheek which somehow looked fluffier than before. 

Jisung suddenly smirked "You flustered by my smile?" He wiggled his eyebrows "You hate me." Minho felt a painful pang in his heart when he said "I know and you do too. Right?" Jisung didn't even wait and straight (gay) went outside leaving Minho alone in the kitchen. 

"He is not *****. Get that in mind Minho"


He blocked his punch with no effort. Just when he was about to attack him again. He got strangled down by him. 

Jisung was now hovering over Minho. Both were panting heavily. Jisung grinned when he realized that he was pinning minho right now. With a huff, he fell back on the floor letting out a giggle. One week passed and Jisung was able to improve a lot in his acting and fighting skills. Minho stood up straightening his tank top in the process. Jisung wiped the sweat off his forehead before standing up. He stumbled, and Minho's hand instinctively shot out before Jisung could fall. They both froze in their position with Minho's hand on Jisung's waist and the other holding onto his wrist, Their body pressed together burning their skin at the contact. Minho felt Jisung's pulse quickened, awakening a weird urge for Minho to prolong his hold. 

When Jisung came to his senses he moved a little only to slip his leg once again. His breath escaped in a small gasp when Minho grasped him tighter and pulled him even closer than before. Minho's breath fanned over the younger's cheek causing Jisung to stiffen, His breath taking on an uneven rhythm.

Jisung heart stumbled when he saw what caught Minho's attention. He was wearing black shorts reaching his mid-thigh exposing a generous expanse of his skin. When he looked up Minho's gaze was on him. He swore he saw Minho gulp. Minho's hand moved a little downwards towards Jisung's hips and-

The door opened revealing Yeonjun who quickly closed his eyes cursing under his breath repeatedly. "I-I am sorry! I'll go! I should go!! Uh-Okay I am going!!" Jisung and Minho jumped a meter away from each other awkwardly coughing. 

"What is it Yeonjun?" Minho cleared his throat "There's a new mission" The tension in the air vanished just by a phrase. Minho and Jisung stood straight listening closely. "Taehyun Just informed me that one of the members of West Hail is going to hold a mask party and...they need a singer. A cute one" Minho raised his eyebrow gesturing to Yeonjun to continue.

"Um, Smoke?" Yeonjun coughed catching Jisung's attention who was confused as hell "Uh yes?" He straightened his position "Do you know how to talk in English?" Yeonjun asked "I-i do but not really-"

"That doesn't matter. The singer is from Korea but he lives in the USA so, Jisung will have to perform an English song. While doing so, sir as in Blaze will get the host aka West Hail member" Yeonjun looked at Minho awkwardly waiting for his response "Okay but not Jisung-" Yeonjun regretted when he cut him off but continued to keep his words "Nobody as cute as Jisung is available right now sir! Felix will be there for the lookout. Taehyun is a hacker and I have an injury! I can't go...so there's-..the only option is Jisung" Minho sighed knowing he couldn't do anything about it. "Okay then"

"What do you mean okay? I don't know how to sing and who the hell is West Hail?!" 

"I'll teach you or we can just fake it up and you don't need to know about that" Yeonjun tapped Jisung's shoulder.

One week, after one week Jisung will go on his first mission officially as a flame, a member of the most terrifying mafia gang.

dyk that I hv 9 chapters completed as draft? hehe


🥚❤️ :>

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