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Chapter 10: Betray

Felix had two options, Either clear things with Jisung and fuck it up or say nothing and let the guilt fuck him up.

A moment ago, His confidence was reaching the height of Burj Khalifa but now it was touching the inner core of the earth. All the practices were flooded. He gathered himself up and finally knocked on the door. He waited for almost 20 seconds before the door opened. The sight broke Felix's heart. Jisung with red swollen eyes came outside. He rubbed his eyes making his vision clear. When Jisung saw who it was, his soft gaze turned cold. "What do you want?" Felix gulped at his harsh tone "Hear me out" With that, Felix pushed Jisung inside and closed the door behind "Don't-"

"I'll help you get outta here" Felix looked straight into Jisung's eyes "What?" Jisung's shoulder fell "I said...I'll help you get outta here but..."

"But?" Jisung's glare returned "Never mind, Listen to me. I'll explain everything" Felix bit his lips and tried to read Jisung's expression. Jisung hesitantly nodded to which a small smile crept its way to Felix's cute face "I-Okay so, I am Lee Felix or Lee Yongbok but please call me Felix. I get embarrassed by that name. anyway. Frank is my code name and I never wanted to betray Changbin Hyung or any of you! M-Minho-uh I mean boss he- He ordered me to do so."

"And you did it?" Jisung gritted his teeth, ready to throw hands "No! I didn't have a choice...I am his cousin. My parents are dead. So, all I have is my boss and Mr. and Mrs Lee...I never wanted to be friends with Changbin Hyung just so I could betray him. I met him during one of my missions. I was injured, He didn't question me and just treated me but when Boss got to know that I knew him. he made a plan, and that led me to kidnap Changbin Hyung...I fought with him but he didn't budge. He said that he would kill him if I didn't kidnap him" Tears started rolling down Felix's cheek. Wetting his beautiful freckles. Jisung felt bad for the latter. He patted Felix's head making him look at him "Wha-"

"I am sorry...Felix" Jisung smiled softly "Don't apologize but let me know if you forgave me." Felix looked at him hopefully "I forgive you.." To this Felix practically jumped on Jisung "I forgot to tell you. Please don't be mad but Jeongin is here" Felix said. Jisung's eyes went wide. His hands started shaking, his eyes roaming all around Felix's face trying to find a lie "He is?"

"I'll take you to him and I guess maybe I can help all of you to escape but not now. I am sorry" Felix looked down "Don't be sorry Felix, Even if you will not help us escape I will be grateful for your words" Jisung nodded reassuring him. 

Felix led Jisung to his car and they went to the headquarters. 

"Innie!" Jisung whispered to himself. Jeongin was standing next to Chan with no injuries, to Jisung's relief. But what scared him was that Jeongin was not even scared a bit. "He came by his consent?" Minho raised an eyebrow. Jisung felt a stinging pain in their chest when he heard the older's voice. He gulped harshly. "Yeah..he found out before I could kidnap him and then he said to take me to Jisung and Changbin" Chan scratched his head. Jisung's leg worked on its own and he came into their view startling them for a moment. Chan's and Minho's guns were pointed right at him. They lowered it when they saw who it was. "Jisung what are you doing here-"

"HYUNGIE!!!" Jeongin came running towards Jisung and crashed into him. Jisung engulfed the taller in a hug "I am here" Jisung softly scratched Jeongin's scalp.

"I missed you, are you okay?" Jeongin looked at him sadly "I am okay...What about you? They didn't hurt you right?" Jisung backed a bit and looked at Jeongin searching for an injury "No-"

"Jisung." Minho said "Come with me" He didn't even wait and went outside. Jisung cursed under his breath and followed him making sure to glare at Chan. 

"Yes blaze?"

"We're alone here. Don't call me Blaze" Minho rolled his eyes "Okay minho," Jisung said to which minho raised his eyebrow "What? do you think I am gonna call you hyung?" Jisung scoffed "I didn't but I'll warn you. watch your tongue" He spoke harshly "Like I am fucking scared of you" Jisung rolled his eyes at minho. He didn't know how to react and interact with minho after what happened and we all know that it only takes a mere second for the frustration to change into anger and anger to hatred. "I am not going to deal with all of your bullshit so I'll just get to the point. Han Jisung now you'll go be Smoke officially. You are going to get a tattoo on the back of your neck and your training starts today as in now" Minho snapped his fingers and yeonjun came into view. The gaze minho and Yeoujun shared was too cold for Jisung's liking. 

"Smoke, I, Yeonjun will be your guide and your teacher in the field for acting till your first ever mission" Jisung felt his hands getting cold at the thought of him being a flame. The thought of him killing a person made him want to gag. "I can't kill anyone" was all he said. Minho let a low chuckle "Are you deaf? He said 'acting' not killing or whatsoever you're thinking"

Jisung bit his cheek from inside suppressing the urge to punch Minho in the face. "Now, enough chit-chat. Yeonjun take him" 


"I'll start with a very common skill in the field of acting" Yeonjun took out a black marker and scribbled it on the whiteboard checking whether it was filled or not. Making sure it was visible to Jisung who was sitting on the floor he wrote down 'Acting' on the top and then wrote 'Memorization work'. "Although you are not going to be a stage actor you're likely to need to be skilled at memorizing lines because there will be many missions where you'll be given a script. And now we have Communication Skills. Vocal ability is just one of the features of your overall performance as an actor. Your confidence, non-verbal communication, presence, and ability to convey the emotions of your characters are all essential features of your acting skill set. It's almost impossible for somebody who lacks these skills to become an accomplished actor. And If you lack these skills, don't worry you will master them in no time." Yeonjun's lips formed a small smirk. He went on for almost 15 minutes straight. Jisung paid attention not wanting his plan to be failed. 

"And now the last key" Jisung sat straight pouring his all attention to Yeonjun's voice "Seduction, I won't deny Jisung but you are really attractive and whoever is our target are mostly assholes desperate for girls and boys like you to get in their fucking pants but don't worry I am not asking you to get in their pants. What I am saying is that they fucking lose their mind when it comes to things like that. Even if the person in front of them is their greatest enemy they will forget everything when it comes to sex but it will only work if the person in front of them is alone or if you have an effect on them. It's like taking advantage...and hey don't think of your future lover as an asshole just because of my explanation" Jisung chuckled lightly. 

"And let's learn more about it" Yeonjun grinned "More?"

"Yes more"

Now Jisung understood. Why it is called the 'Art of Seduction'


ANYWAY-thx guys! Ilysm!</3


🥚❤️ :>

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