For you🥀

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Chapter 20: For you

Warning: sexual content ahead

Although it seemed a bit out of vibe for the mafias to play games, They agreed nevertheless. 

They sat in a circle on the rug. Chan placed a bottle in the center and like a dramatic scene looked up and gave a nod to Hyunjin who slowly nodded and then spun the bottle. It landed on Jeongin. Jeongin just smiled showing his adorable dimples. Then another spin and Jisung and Chan's mood dropped in a second. Minho just stared at the bottle and pointed at him with no bother. "Do I have to join you all?" Minho said, getting up from his place. "You know the answer" Felix shrugged "Ugh fine" Minho helped Jeongin up and then they went inside the closet. 




"You good Jeongin?"


"Oh well. What should we do?"

"Let's talk," Jeongin said, settling there. "Okay," Minho sat right before Jeongin "What do you think of Jisung Hyung?" That question took minho off guard "Pardon?". "What I mean is...Uh-Like do you think Jisung Hyung is sexy?" These questions were coming out of nowhere. Instead of feeling uncomfortable with the question Minho felt his cheeks warming up. He scolded himself for portraying Jisung with the word sexy. "What are you-"

"Just answer the question"

"Jeongin, Listen. I-"

"Did you just say yes??"

"No, I didn't-"

The gate slammed open by Chan who mumbled a soft 'Time's up' Before grabbing Jeongin by his hand and dragging him along with him. 

They all stared at each other confusing before shrugging. But two of the 6 weren't going to let this go unnoticed. Felix looked over at Jisung and smirked. Jisung copied his expression before putting the topic aside as well. Hyunjin also spun the bottle and got excited when the bottle landed on him. He spun it again and it landed on Seungmin. 

When Hyunjin and Seungmin were in. Jisung kept glancing at Minho who was a bit flushed and sweating. His eyes were saddened at the thought of Jeongin and Minho together. He felt weird about it and wouldn't even deny it if he was a bit disturbed. But that was not the problem. The problem was why. Why Jisung was upset about it?

Soon after Hyunjin and Seungmin came outside. Both looked a bit awkward as their interaction was quiet. Hyunjin spun the bottle again and surprisingly it landed on Jisung and then on Minho. 

Minho and Jisung led their way inside the closet. Both were covered in a thin layer of sweat. The tension and hotness became more. Both raised their heads and regretted when their eyes locked. Minho gulped before taking steps towards Jisung slowly. the younger backed up, His back coming in contact with the wall. Unconsciously, Minho leaned in. His lips hovered over Jisung's. He stopped when he saw Jisung closing his eyes tightly. 

When Jisung no longer felt the older breath fanning over his lips, he opened his eyes and without wasting any moment connected their lips when he saw the hesitation in Minho's eyes. Jisung wrapped his hands around Minho's neck. A low moan escaped Jisung's lips when Minho pressed himself onto Jisung. Minho stroked his tongue on Jisung's lip demanding entry. When Jisung didn't get the hint, he bit his lower lip. Jisung parted his lip and almost immediately Minho slipped his tongue in. 

Jisung tilted his head deepening the kiss. Soon, their kiss turned into a heated makeout. Minho kissed his way down to Jisung's neck. Earning low moans from him when he started biting certain spots. He disconnected their lips and stared at Jisung who panting heavily, his hair ruffled, lips swollen, and marks on his neck. "Minho...I-Please."

That was the words Minho wanted to hear. He looked over to his watch. "There's only 1 minute left," Minho said, pulling Jisung by his waist. "Be a good boy and act like we are going to practice. Got it?" Minho whispered in Jisung's ear, sending shivers down his spine. 

The door opened and they both got out. Jisung and Minho fixed themselves before so nobody could tell if something happened. "It's time for Jisung's practice. we will take our leave" Minho pulled Jisung with him to his car. Before Minho could start his car, Jisung pulled him and connected their lips. 

He crawled onto his lap, unbuttoning his black shirt. Minhos stopped him and held his hand in his. "Are you a virgin?" 

Jisung cheeks turned rosy "Uh yeah..." He said shyly. 

"Then let's get home first baby. I wanna make this special for you"


"Hyung what happened?" Jeongin started at Chan confused why he was dragged away from the others like that.


"Yes Hyung?"

"I love you"

"Huh?" Jeongin sat up and looked at Chan wide-eyed. "W-what? Love?" He said. "Yes, love. I. Love. You" Chan said emphasizing each word "B-but- I-"

"Don't worry. I won't be sad or mad if you don't feel the same way-"

"I-...I love you too..." Jeongin said it so quietly that Chan could barely hear but managed to. "Really?!" 

"You have done nothing but care for me and my friends. I did love you before too but now? I- This is too much. My feelings are increasing every single second. I can't control it." Chan's eyes sparkled with the feeling of hope. He took Jeongin's hand in his and softly brought it up to his face. He lightly gave them kisses. Jeongin giggled at his actions and just stared at him lovingly. 


"Yes Innie?"

"I love you okay?"

Chan smiled at this"Okay...I love you too"

Chan slowly leaned in before connecting their lips. Why did it feel so right?  Their lips connected as if Chan's lips were the key to a door that fits perfectly and the door had to Jeongin plum lips.

They pulled apart and smiled at each other. "So...Yang Jeongin, Will you be my boyfriend?"

"I would love to Hyung but...Don't you think we are going a bit too fast?" Jeongin said, his eyes getting teary at the thought of Chan not liking him after he exclaimed "If you think so yes. For you, nothing is too fast, and nothing too slow for me. Take your time love. This heart belongs to you. I'll wait for you for a thousand years and then this suffering will finally be over"


How are ya'll??

I am not good tbh.

But anyway- I hope all of u r doing well


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