Lee Know🥀

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Chapter 28: Lee Know

TW: Mention of a panic attack

"Jisung love, I need you to do one little thing for me. Can you do that?" Minho held Jisung's hand in his, giving it sweet kisses. "What is it?" Jisung chuckled at the sweet action, leaning down so their nose was brushing.

Minho raised his hands and then the black suitcase was noticed by Jisung. "What's in it?"He asked "Money. I need you to give this to the orphanage" Minho winked at him when Jisung looked at him suspiciously "Are you serious?" Jisung smiled when Minho nodded. "Oh my god. You're so kind" Jisung got up and hugged Minho who happily returned the warmth.

"Now tell me where I need to-" Minho cut off Jisung "I will I will but you'll have to go with Jeongin with you and you'll have to carry a gun" Minho took out a gun from his pocket, placing them in the shorter's palm "Don't you dare get hurt" Minho smiled, ruffling Jisung's hair "Of course I will not" Jisung giggled. 

Minho sighed and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead "Jeongin will be downstairs"

Jisung and Jeongin took Chan's car with Jeongin driving. Jisung glanced at the suitcase in his hands.

He's such a softy

He smiled. "What's got you all smiley, Jisungie Hyung?" Jeongin smirked "Shut up. Your eyes were barely visible when you got out of Channie Hyung's room" Jisung shot back.

Jisung and Jeongin's heart swelled with emotion as soon as they reached. There were so many kids, they all were peeking from their places, their eyes filled with nothing but innocence and curiosity. Both of them giggled at their reactions.

A boy came up to them "Who are you two?" He said, tilting his head. "I am Jeongin. What about you" Jisung smiled when Jeongin tilted his head "I am Yoon-soo. Call me Yoo" He smiled excitedly "Hi Yoo, I am Jisung" 

"Yoo?" They all turned around to see a woman "Who are you two?" She asked, her tone sweet "I am Jisung and He is Jeongin. we're here to give you this" They both held the bag in front of her 

"Is it sent by Lee Know?"

Everything paused for Jisung.

He stared at her wide-eyed. "Who's that?" Jeongin asked, his voice sounding muffled 

"Oh, that's Lee Minho"

All of a sudden, he felt there were so many bodies around him. The air felt thin, and hot in his lungs.

Every second, his heart was leaping, clenching, and pounding more and more. His head was spinning.

He tried to gulp his shock in.


He couldn't breathe. 

His hands were trembling. He was covered in a cold layer of sweat. He felt so overwhelmed, so shocked.

He was suffering. 

He felt two arms around. He couldn't--

He was having a panic attack.

The woman led him to a room. He gasped for air. A hand came in contact with his back, rubbing it softly. He felt someone raising his arms and then he heard something hitting the floor. 

He could breathe now. His eyes were blurred from the tears. He saw his jacket on the floor. "Hyung breathe with me. Okay?" He followed his breathing pattern with Jeongin's.

Just when he was able to calm himself down, A gunshot echoed from the hall. The woman gasped and ran towards the hall. Jeongin got up to follow her but Jisung stopped him. "Wait" Jisung peeked outside from the room.

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