1.1| HORNS

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Edited: 11-30-2023

Now playing
Horns by Bryce Fox

Trees whistled, leaves crumpled, twigs cracked, feet stomped. Seven teenagers ran together, all avoiding the same fate that followed on their tails. A girl, with hair as dark as the monsters that chased them, peered over her shoulder to see the flesh-hungry demon after them.

The girl's legs ached, and her stomach screamed, running faster than she could think. The adrenaline rush pushing through the pain.

"Time?!" A red-haired girl shouted in question, keeping her quick pace, her long twin braids swinging behind her.

A short brunette boy, with glasses, looked down at his watch, also running. "Eight minutes!" He held his shotgun on his shoulder.

'Just a bit longer." The redheaded girl gritted her teeth, sweat ran down her forehead as the footsteps began to sink in closer to the group. The graveyard came into view, all seven teens held their weapons high as they all ran to the steel wall around the graveyard.

The group booked it as the redhead made it to the inner side of the wall, standing by a large, red button, waiting for the rest. "Close the gate, CLOSE THE FUCKING GATE!" A taller brunette yelled, making the girl slam her hand against the button, closing the large door.

The gate creaked as it closed, slower than wanted. All teens stood on guard, weapons raised, ready to attack. A black-haired girl gripped her bow, grabbing a new arrow from the bundle. One of the monsters grew closer and closer to the wall, then-


The gate closed just in time, but the monsters banged hard on the walls. All the teens seemed to relax at the current safety.

"All right, let's head to the bus." The redhead spoke, heaving for air.

"UGH!" The tall brunette boy groaned, slumping down onto one if the seats on the bus, his sister falling in suit. "That sucked." His chest raised every breath he took, sweat strolling down his forehead.

"Tell me about it." The black-haired girl grumbled, lying on the floor of the bus, not having the energy to get to a seat.

The twin-braided girl rested her head on the seat in front of her, massaging her foot. "The banging stopped." She sighed in relief.

"It probably gave up or-"



Sharp, yellow teeth and piercing white eyes appeared at the door, the monster's obsidian black, sludge like, skin covered the bony figure as it crawled onto the bus at a scarily slow pace.

Everyone stood from their seats and walked backwards towards the back of the bus as the creature crept closer. Only to notice that their box of weapons was on at the front of the bus, behind the monster.

"Can we open the back door?" The redhead asked, glancing at the door.

"It's blocked!" The brunette girl screamed, huddling against her brother.

The shorter boy started to tear up, "W-what are we going to do?" He shuddered.



The monster lunged at the group; sharp claws thrashed through the air at the teens. The group held tightly onto each other and scream out, fear definite in their voices.



𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now