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Edited: December 3, 2023

Now playing
Angry Too by Lola Blanc

Elaine walked down the school hallways with one hand in her pocket and the other scrolling through her daily Spotify playlist. At one point she almost tripped and now Ben is holding her sleeve, guiding her down the hall.

"Are you able to order those lights during lunch?" Ashlyn asked Aiden, walking in the front of the group.

"Yeah, I should be." He nodded and threw his bag over his shoulder.

"Aren't your parents going to be confused when the lights arrive though?" Taylor questioned.

The blond shrugged, "Nah. They're on a trip right now."

Elaine hummed, "Lucky you." Her monotone voice screamed sarcasm.

"Yeah, they probably wont be back for a few months." "Oh."

Tyler looked up from his phone and stopped waking. "I was wondering where the nerd was." He said looking out a the light brunette boy who was getting yelled at by a familiar student.

"The fuck?" Elaine looked in between the redhead and blond seeing the boy against the lockers. Anger was slowly creeping in her chest, that showed on her face.

"...is he getting bullied?" Ashlyn asked, slight worry in her tone.

"Is it him again?" Taylor questioned.

"Yeah, yeah." Tyler walked forward, "I'm on it."

Aiden turned his head to his cousin, whose face was was dark and his eyes were piercing into the scene in front of them, clenching his free fist at his side. Elaine doing the same, catching his eyes as well.

"Woah!" Aiden ran up to the two, placing his hands on their shoulders, even though he was confused on why the girl was so livid. "Hey, guys. Calm down. The half-wit is handling it."

Elaine ignored his words and pushed past him, pulling away from where Ben held her sleeve. "Barron-" "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She almost shouted at the strange male, cutting off Tyler, barging past and stood in between the two.

"Crap." Barron mumbled, "Well great." He said louder.

"Elaine. Don't." Tyler warned, standing next to the girl.

"...I'm just talking to my science partner about our project." Barron excused, avoiding eye contact.

Tyler glanced at the nerdy teen, who was trembling from fear. "Yeah. Sure you were..."

"I'm not an idiot, Barron. I could hear you bitching from down the fucking hall." Elaine almost shouted.

"You're already on thin ice with coach, so beat it before he finds another reason to kick you off the team." Tyler's tone matched the ravenette's.

Barron stared down to the two, switching from Tyler to Elaine and back to the other. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Tch. Whatever." He turned away and loitered down the hallway.

"Thanks.." Logan spoke up once the male was gone.

Ignoring the group, as they found their way to them, Elaine left the scene and separated herself from them without saying a word.

"Where's she going?" Taylor asked.

"She'll be back." Ashlyn stated simply, having a solid grasp on the concept that she a somewhat understanding of the closed off girl.

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now