2.8| SAIL

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Edited: December 3, 2023

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"Aiden, do you ever think?" Elaine stood in front of the blonde, who had his head in a large lamp. "Like ever."

"Not really, no." He smiled brightly down at the girl. "Take the picture." The short haired girl brought the camera up to him and snapped the camera. "Aww, its not a Polaroid?" He whined.

"Does this look like a Polaroid camera?" Elaine let the digital camera hang around her neck as the group continued on to their next destination.

"Oh my gosh!" Taylor exclaimed, jumping up slightly and grabbing her brothers arm. "A face painting stand! We should go!" Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and walked to the stand, not hating the idea.

The twins got matching butterflies, Ashlyn got music notes, Ben got a mustache, Aiden got smiley emojis, Logan got some blue dots, and Elaine got a cluster of stars that went from her eyebrow to her cheek.

'This isn't that bad.'

"Guys, we have forty minutes left." Logan reminded as the group walked together on the sidewalk.

Taylor hummed, "Guess we should probably head back in thirty minutes then."

"Yeah, I guess." Elaine nodded, running her fingers through her curly hair.

"Excuse me!" A dark haired woman with grey eyes ran up to the teens. "Would you be interested in a tour of the Sorrel Weed House? A group canceled their tour last minute and now we have some empty spots, if you guys are interested?"

'Ive been here before. Some stupid thing mom took me to.' Elaine rolled her eyes at the thought. 'Her judgmental ass ruined the whole experience. Also the weird shadows that followed me around.'

"Wait really!?" Taylor beamed, "This place is supposed to be really haunted! We gotta go!" Stars filled her eyes.

"Sure, I dont care." Tyler shrugged.

"Im in!" Aiden stood behind Elaine and shook her shoulders, annoying her.

'This doesn't feel right'

"Welcome to the Sorrel Weed House!"

"Blab blah blah, blah blah blah." Elaine tuned out the tour guide and put her headphones back on, hearing a faint screeching noise. "Blah blah blah, blah" 'this is so stupid.'

"Spooky activity....most calm-"ring ring! The guides phone rang, "Im sorry this is my emergency phone. I have to take this." She walked away.

"Well, that's super professional." Tyler seethed.

"I-I dont think thats professional..." Logan furrowed his eyebrows.

Tyler glanced down at the tan haired boy, "I was being sarcastic." "...oh."

"Eh. An emergency is an emergency." Taylor shrugged. "It'll be more fun to explore on our own anyway!"

The seven walked together and looked around by themselves, without any guidance. 'Rusty picture frame.... Creaky, old chair..... dusty railing.... Scratched walls...boring boring boring.' Elaine groaned to herself, crossing her arms over her stomach.

"Are you bored by this?" Aiden whispered to her, she nodded a response. "How? This place is so cool."

The ravenette shrugged, "Ive been here before and I've seen all this stuff. Nothing new or exciting then and not exciting now." She kept her eyes forward, feeling the blond's red eyes on her.

"Hey that room looks cool!" Taylor pointed, "...you alright Ashlyn? You look pale." She asked, concerned.

The redhead let out a deep sigh and put her earplug back in, "Im fine." She lied and shook her head.

The group went quiet. "A-Ashlyn.." Logan warned, letting out a sharp breath. "Look- look behind you..."

A spine chilling screech echoed across the room. Ashlyn shifted her body around as the the shadow reached out for her arm, she fell back with a loud thud.

'Its gone?' Elaine thought to herself as she helped Ashlyn to her feet. "Where did it go?" Aiden questioned.

"I-I dont see it anywhere." Logan tried searching for the shadow creature.

"What was it?" Taylor shuddered.

Aiden shrugged, "One of the ghosts, maybe?"

'They saw it too?'

"Are you guys dumb?" Tyler cut in. "Ghosts aren't real. This is just some stupid prank." He sneered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"A prank?!" Logan practically yelled.

"Obviously." The dark brunette rolled his eyes. "A group conveniently cancels a reservation, and our guide just happens to have an excuse to leave?" He ranted, "Then, when we're all alone in a 'haunted' house, we have a scary encounter."

"Then immediately after said "scary encounter" the thing just disappears before we can confirm or touch it?" He continued, "Yeah right. This is definitely a set up for some sort of reaction video or to make money. They probably have cameras and a projector set up somewhere." He predicted.

Elaine rolled her eyes, 'I know what I saw. It sounded the same as those screeching noises that I heard earlier.'

"Screw you and your idiotic video! For the record, you dont have permission to use our reaction!" Tyler screamed to nobody in particular and grabbed his sisters arm, "C'mon Tay. We're going back to the bus."

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now