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Edited: December 3, 2023

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King For A day by Pierce The Veil

"So what's your plan then?" Tyler remarked with a squint of his eyes. "To use your magic hearing to save the day?" He emphasized.

Ashlyn didn't answer and stared at the floor instead, deep in thought, gears turning. All eyes were on her, she had to get them out of a life or death situation. The plan has to be perfect. Perfect to where they dont end up hurt or dead even.

The room was so silent. The only sounds were Ben, closing the first aid kit, and the soft sound of breath leaving the teen's noses. Elaine looked up at the wall, where the clock was hung, she noticed that the ticking had stopped.


"No- well yes, but later." She finally spoke, "I think we should stay here for now, so we can rest and...prepare ourselves." Her soft spoken voice kept them at ease, to an extent.

"Once we go out there, there's no telling what we'll encounter." The redhead declared, rubbing her knuckles against the floor, small pieces of dust and dirt sticking to the pale skin. "And let's not leave the living room. If something happens, I don't want to be split up."

"There isn't much we can do right now, so do some mental exercises." "Mental exercises?" Aiden questioned turning his head to look at the girl, back against the floor and legs up on the wall.

As the ginger went to reply, the ravenette did for her. "Seeing how you would react in certain situations, that you would imagine. Like a situation like- well, this." She scooted back, further against the couch. A small shock of pain shot through her leg at the motion.

Eight year old Elaine sat on the living room table, in a crisscrossed position, toolbox laid out next to her. Her dad sitting on the floor with his daughter's bicycle in front of him.

"Socket wrench." The man held his hand out, which the child handed him the tool from the box. "Thank you. Anyways, when you encounter a situation like the one that you imagined, you're more likely to react faster than before."

He explained as he loosened the bolts on the training wheels, and turning then off their hinges. "Anythin' that puts you ahead is worth doing." The young girl nodded, her feet swinging back and forth. "It should be a basic instinct for you."

The redhead stood, "Any time you aren't asleep, that's what you should be doing."

Tyler scoffed, "Yeah great plan, daydream and sleep with monsters outside the door." Sass seeped off his tongue like venom dripping from a snake's fangs.

Ashlyn's slim figure loomed over, arms dangled by her side as she surveyed the room around her. "We'll take turns keeping look out." She met eyes with with the scrawny, light brunette boy. "Logan, is the time still twelve??" She said curiously.

The boy cleared his throat, "O-Oh um- I'll check..." he pulled the rectangular device from his pocket. False lighting reflected off his glasses, "...It hasn't changed."

Elaine's eyes narrowed at the floor in front of her, falling into thought. 'No change in the time? If the clock isn't changing, alarms wouldn't work either.' She lifted her head slightly at the the redhead's movements. 'The hell is this place?'

The sage eyed girl stood near the barricade door, facing the whole group of teens. "Alright, we'll keep resetting the timer every hour then. I'll take the first watch, who wants to go after?"

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now