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Chop Suey by System Of A Down

Bold: Ashlyn, Taylor, Tyler (group A)]
[Italics: Elaine, Aiden, Ben (Group B)]
[Underlined: Logan (lookout)]
[Regular: Scenes connect]

A small group of phantoms noticed the three running teens, which caught Tyler's attention. "Ashlyn.." He spoke, nervousness seeping through.

"I know. It'll work. Just keep running."


Reaching her house, she saw the blond standing on a slight limp. "Aiden, are you okay?" She asked walking up to him, taking the crowbar from her belt loop.

The burgundy eyed boy looked between his cousin and friend, a thin, tight smile forming on his lips. "Yup! Spectacular." He turned his headlamp on.

Elaine and Ben did the same, "The bike is in the garage." The girl said, walking up to the metal door. "Ben. Lift the door up a bit."


Ashlyn pushed her thumb on the handle button and pulled the handle, going to open the jeep but it wouldn't open up.

The redhead's, already pale, face went white. "It's locked?!"

"I thought you said you made sure it was unlocked with the keys inside!" Tyler started to panic.

"I did! One of my parents must have grabbed em or something!" Ashlyn started to mentally retrace her steps.


"What are they doing?" Logan asked himself, looking over at the bickering teens. He then peered over to the other three, who seemed to actually working effectively.

"Oh thank the heavens."


Aiden and Elaine crawled under the garage door, while Ben held it up for the two. Then when they stood, they held the door up for him.

Once Ben was inside the garage, Elaine placed the crowbar vertically in between the door and the concrete, propping the door open for the time being.

"Oh my god!" Aiden gasped.

"What happened?" Elaine quickly responded, on guard about the whole situation.

"It's so pretty!" He pointed at the motorcycle, sparkles in his eyes. The ravenette and brunette side eyed each other then facepalming.


The twins walked through the front door. Ashlyn proceeding up the steps, following in suit.

When she went up to the top step, something from above grabbed her shirt collar, pulling her up and hitting her head on the overhang. Blood dripped down from the back if her head.

The strong force caused a bang to ring out, catching the twins attention from inside.

"What the—" Tyler said confused.

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now