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Edited: December 3, 2023

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Lady In The Wall by Danny Knutelsky

"I have an idea."

"I am going to tie the door to the pole over there." Ashlyn started tying them together in knots.

"Three weak strings and a shabby pole?" Tyler held onto Taylor. "Yeah, like thats gonna keep it closed. He scoffed

"Maybe not, but it will be enough for me, Ben, and Elaine to make a run for it! You guys go!" The three were hesitant, "I SAID GO!" They sprinted down the hall as the monsters climbed over the railing.

"El! Tie this end to the door handle." Ashlyn handed her the string and did as told. Aiden tied the other end to the pole and Ashlyn tied them in the middle.


The four bolted, adrenaline pumping through their veins. Strong footsteps pounded against the the steel stairs, banging against the tied door then a sudden snap popped through the air as the door was threw open and the monsters were right behind them.

The faster they ran was not enough to make it out of this alive. In the hallway, a janitors cart stood. Elaine ran in front of the other three, an idea popped into her head. "Move!" She latched onto the cart and swung it around suddenly, thrusting the monster harshly into the wall.

The other three watched with wide eyes, a sudden laugh coming from the blonde. "Ha!" A claw reached for Elaine, "Y'know..." he grabbed the monsters wrist, right before it could grab her, and a spray bottle from the cart. "...This could be fun." He pointed the bottle at the creatures head with a sinister grin.

Aiden pressed down on the trigger and sprayed the chemicals, causing the monster to squirm in its place and hold onto its head where it was sprayed. "Lol, why isn't it screaming? Are they mute?" He tilted his head.

"Aiden! Come on!" Ashlyn held tightly over her ears.

"I think we can take em! There are more spray bottles!" Aiden tried to lunge at the monsters but Ben latched his arm onto his.

"No!" Elaine yelled. The four ran down the hall, making it to the boys room and slamming the door shut behind them, before locking it.

Everyone seemed to relax at the moment only to flinch at the loud banging that followed. "We should...put the couch up against the door." Ashlyn stated.

All seven teenagers sat on the floor of the motel room. Taylor, Tyler, and Logan on on side. Ben, Aiden, Ashlyn, and Elaine sat on the other.

Aiden let out a small chuckle that sent anger through Tyler's body. "Why are you laughing this time?" He sneered.

"It's like we're in a zombie movie." "And that's supposed to be funny?" "Yeah."

Tyler let out a deep sigh, "Are you insane or something?"

"Hm?" The blonde hummed, "Ash, your arm is all scratched up. Same with your leg, Laine. How'd it happen? I didn't see you get clawed at or anything." He asked concerned, tilting his head.

"I think this happened at the Sorrel Weed House." Ashlyn motioned to her arm.

Elaine tilted her head slightly and pulled her pant leg up, showing the wound. "Yeah, I think I got mine back in the room." She shrugged.

"You mean you knew it was real and didn't think to mention it to any of us?!" Tyler snapped at the redhead, standing from his seat.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was real." She glared, "And right now isn't exactly a good time to talk about this, we should be coming up with a plan."

"Why should we listen to anything you say? This is probably your fault in the first place!"

"All right, fine." Ashlyn stood, "I get where you're coming from. I should have said something. And if blaming me helps you deal with the situation better, so be it." She grabbed ahold of the boys shirt collar, "But if you aren't going to make yourself useful, make yourself scarce." Her bright green eyes glared into his dark brown ones.

"Playing the blame game and figuring out what's going on can come after we are safe enough to talk it out. The facts are those creatures can - us at any moment. Instead of arguing, our time is better spent coming up with a plan." She went on.

Ashlyn let go of his shirt, "So unless you are going to help me do that, keep your trap shut and don't cause trouble." She snapped, leaving the boy dumbfounded.

Aiden let out a small whistle, "Well, that was unexpected."

"And you need to stop taking this so lightly!" "Aye, aye!"

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now