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O Superman by Laurie Anderson


"Oh, thank god you're okay!" Arms wrapped tightly around the ravenette's neck and a hand on the back of her head.

"Yeah.." Elaine pulled back from the brunette girl, patting her shoulder awkwardly.

"Why would you do tha—!" Tyler almost shouted before throwing up next to the jeep.

"That's what you meant when you said "I'll handle it"?" Aiden spoke in quotations, limping away from the bike to the girl, who was still dealing with the aftershock.

"You're catching on." Elaine laughed and walked to him, pulling the helmet off his head to examine for any damage. "You need to worry about yourself before worrying about me." She motioned to his ankle and Ben came over to help him stand.


Taylor shouted out holding the keys up in the air. "Yeah... we're pretty great, huh?" Tyler grinned, wiping his mouth.

"Great? We were awesome!" The blond beamed.

"We?" Tyler tilted his head, "What did you do that was so rememberable?"

"Uh..I kept lookout. Duh." He sassed in a different voice.


"Me, Ben, and Logan are the best lookouts ever." He mentioned, "Right Logan?"

"Yeah, he did great." Elaine complemented the doe eyed boy, "If it wasn't for him, I don't know if we would all be here."

"Gotta agree with that, he's got a pretty damn good aim." Tyler spoke.

"We should do something to celebrate!" Aiden jumped up, immediately regretting it, smiling brightly.


"Dad.." Elaine knocked on her dad's bedroom door. Hammering and drilling sang out the door. She turned the knob, opening the wooden door to see Wade and her uncle Wayne putting something together in the closet floor.

"Hey kiddo." Wayne said, a screw in between his teeth.

"I'm leaving for school.." Her eyes darted down to the spot on the floor next to the dresser, getting memories from the night before. The image if the phantom flashing in her head.

"Okay, have a good day Gummy Bear!" Wade shouted, hammering a nail into the wall of his walk-in closet. He hung a rectangular mirror from the nail, in the reflection he noticed a black figure with eyes staring into his soul.


"Wade! What the fuck man?" The shorter man shot up from the floor, dropping the tools. "Jesus Christ, your hand." He grabbed his brother's bloodied hand, pressing down on his knuckles with a towel that laid on shelf.

"I saw something..."

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now