5.31| YELLOW

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Yellow by Coldplay

"I'm pretty sure I failed the midterm." Taylor sighed, leaning toward on the turquoise couch.

"It was hard to focus when the kid next to me kept hitting his foot on the desk basket. Over and over. Annoying." Elaine added, stealing the plate of cookies from Aiden.

"Oh yeah, my parents are coming back tomorrow." The blond said now that his mouth was empty.

"Really?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, along with Ben's family." He went on, "It'll be his little sister's birthday in a week, I think." He looked at his cousin for confirmation, to which he nodded.

"Oh, their coming back?" Mike walked into the room, a basket of laundry in his arms. "They never told me."

"You speak to his parents?" Ashlyn raised her head.

"Yeah, a bit. To give them updates on how the boys are doing." The man went on. "Like how I do for Elaine's mom."

"I'm sorry?" Said girl lifted her head from her phone.

"Mhm." He hummed.

"I beg your finest pardon." She clicked off her phone, sitting it on the table. She scooted up on the couch into a manspread.

Ignoring the statement, Mike kept talking "Hmm...should we have a barbecue?" He sat the basket on the dining table.

"What?" The redhead questioned.

"It'll be a rare chance for all of us parents to get together, y'know? We could have a big barbecue in the graveyard, and have Ben's sister's birthday, if they don't already have plans." He suggested.

"Sure! We can ask!" Aiden buzzed, getting excited. Doing this, he hit Elaine's arm. "Sorry." She shrugged it off, but little did he know, her heart started to race and she didn't understand why.

"What about you, Taylor and Tyler, Logan?"

Logan smiled, "I'm sure my grandparents would like to come. They're big barbecue fans themselves."

"We'll ask." Tyler said simply.

"Great! And I already know that you and your dads coming!" Mike pointed at the raven haired girl. "He's my best friend."

"You need more friends." This remark made the redhead woman, in the kitchen, chuckle silently.

Beep! Beep!

"Oh!" Mike's watch beeped, "You kids should probably leave soon, it's already almost five."

"Ahh right." Ashlyn stood, along with the others.

"You sure you don't want me to take you?"

The girl shrugged, her hands in her jacket pockets. "It's not a long walk... plus the jeep doesn't have enough seats for everyone."

"...Well actually- I made an upgrade to the jeep."

"This is not ideal." Tyler whispered, gritting his teeth. Him, Logan, and his sister were squished up in the back. Ben, Aiden, and Elaine sat in the middle. Ashlyn sat in the passenger seat, her dad driving.

"But at least it works." Mike smiled.

"Hey, Laine. Look at this." Aiden leaned over to the girl, phone in his hand. He showed her a video of cats jumping. "Cats are so funny." He giggled out.

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now