3.20| PRETTY

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Edited: 11-30-2023
Edited: December 3, 2023

Now playing
Pretty by MEYY

Elaine sat up from her beanbag after waking up from the phantom realm. She closed her computer and placed it on the small side table beside her. Her phone, that sat on the table as well, started to blow up full of messages. She grabbed the phone and opened the group chat.


Hotdogs arr snadwitchs

Thing 1
You are wrong on so many levels with this statement

-chat name was changed to "🌭🟰🥪" by psycho-

-12:00 AM-

Thing 1
How are we even going to get the jeep?

Can we talk about this tomorrow?


Problem for another day

Anyone wanna sneak out to thb park?

Its thb vest tmie to go

Oh yeah

Lets just go to the park after killing shadow

Thing 2
You have to admit,
It does sound like fun


Next thing Elaine knew, she was climbing out of her bedroom window and climbing down the ladder that leaned against the roof. When she was all the way down, she walked around to the front yard.

Reaching the front, she saw Ben and Aiden waving and Ashlyn walking across the street from her house to them.

Aiden gasped looking at her t-shirt, that she wore over a black pullover, "You like Spider-Man?" The girl nodded, backing away slightly from the close proximity. "And Deadpool." He mentioned to her pajama pants.

"So where's the park?" Ashlyn asked, stuffing her hands in her black and green pullover

"How do you not know where the park is?"The blond turned to the redhead, "You've lived here longer than us." He said mentioning his cousin.

She shrugged then said, "I dont leave my house often."

Aiden ended up guiding the other three to the park, finding the twins already there and Logan walking from the other side.

The Logan, Ashlyn, Tyler, and Elaine sat at a slanted platform where children can climb up and run down. Ben had his phone propped up on a set of stairs to one of the playground sets. Taylor stood on a flat surface with Aiden on her shoulders.

"Is the camera still recording?" Aiden asked, holding his arms out to balance him out.

"Yeah." Elaine answered with her hood over her head.

Tyler laid next to the ravenette, "Y'all stressin Ben out." He half joked making the girl next to him chuckle.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow!" Tyler complained, a strain in his voice.

"Shut up, aren't you the jock here?" Elaine retorted. "You need to get that checked." She said from on top of the male's shoulders. "You need a haircut." She ran her fingers through the brunette hair.

"Do you ever get tired of criticizing me? You never not have something to say." He held onto her knees to keep her from falling. "You've been doing it since summer camp."

"Oh yeah!" Taylor shot up at the memory, "And if I remember correctly, you were the jock in summer camp."

"Really?" Aiden laughed.

"Mhm. Soccer, Baseball, Football, Hackey Sack, even Archery." Taylor listed off, "Though, you weren't the best at Archery."

"Yeah, no shit." Tyler answered for her, "She almost shot a kid." He spun around a little at the ravenette's command.

"I need pictures." Aiden whispered to the tan girl, looking at the girl who sat on the male's shoulders.

"Alright hold your arms out." Elaine said holding hers out into a T.

"How about I drop you instead?"

"You wouldn't."

"Oh but I would."

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now