3.18| I'M GOD

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Edited: December 3, 2023

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I'm God by Clams Casino, Imogen Heap

The phantom slashed through the skin on the side of Logan's ribcage. "Agh!" He let out a harsh yell, fall back onto the bus seat. His glasses fell off of his face, into his lap, as he cried and gripped his side.

"Logan!" Ashlyn shouted, gripping firmly on the window. The phantom started to squirm in it's closure, Aiden clutched his fists around the monster's wrists.

Elaine dropped the empty gun to the floor and ran to the window, helping to hold down the glass on the monster, with Ashlyn on the other side, and Aiden underneath it.

Tyler, Taylor, and Ben ran over to the weapon box and grabbed their 'assigned' weapons. "Twins, grab the legs! Ben, you stab it!" Ashlyn commanded.

The Hernandez's latched their arms around the phantom's legs. Ben lifted the pair of hedge trimmers and plunged them into the upper spine of the monster. Black goop spurted put the monster's mouth as it trembled, but suddenly it went limp, sending everyone to relief.

Tyler and Elaine leaned down to Logan, who trembled in the seat, curled into a ball. "Hey, dude, you alright? Can you move?" The dark brunette asked, but was then hit on the shoulder by the ravenette.

His face scrunched up in deep confusion, but received no answer as the girl focused on the harmed teen. "Logan." She spoke softly. "You're going to be okay, but seriously, do you think you're gonna be able to move at all?" Logan shook his head. "I'm going to need you to try."

"Yeah, we should probably hurry and patch him up." Aiden agreed, leaning over the seat. Black sludge covering his face. Tyler and Elaine's eyes narrowed at the stupidity.

"Shit!" Elaine lunged over to a passed out Logan, catching his head before it hit the floor. His upper body was wrapped in bandages.

Taylor walked over with Logan's shirt and put it under his head. "Maybe we should let him rest." She said. Elaine put his head on the folded shirt, gently.

"Definitely." Elaine muttered, sitting crisscrossed on the bus seat, leaning back in one of the cold windows.

"Guess that means the Savannah conversation is on hold for now." Ashlyn mentioned, looking down in thought.

"Fine." Tyler spoke, holding his weapon. "Then let's decide what we should do about the phantoms." He nudged the one that's head was barricaded in the window with his weapon.

The group, besides Logan, stood from their seats and loomed over the dead monsters. "So, now that we killed two of 'em, are more gonna come after us now...or...?" Aiden said nonchalantly, shrugging. Tyler gave him a blank look. "What? You've seen the movies. If you kill one, more come after you. Unspoken rule, basically."

Ignoring his last statement, Tyler questioned, "So what do we do?"

"....Good question." Ashlyn mumbled.

Taylor stepped up and gave a recommendation, "Maybe we could experiment with it? See what is most effective in dealing damage to the bodies?"

"Like fire?" Elaine said quietly and fumbled with a lighter in her pocket.

Hearing the quiet comment, Aiden pulled his phone from his pocket. "Well, since they're dead, let's take a closer look!" He turned the flashlight on all the way.

The light flashed over the gooey black monsters, but once the light hit, the goo stared to bubble and sputter out. "Turn it off! Turn it off!" Tyler yelled in panic.

"Okay!" Aiden fumbled to turn off the light but eventually getting it.

Elaine leaned down to the monster in front of her to see the goop dripping down to the floor, a thought popped in her head, 'If light causes this...what about fire?' The small lighter in her pocket found its way into her hand and was now held in front of her face. 'Experiment.'


𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now