5.32| IN MY MIND

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In My Mind by Lyn Lapid

"You kids call if you need anything!" The brunette man yelled from the jeep.

The group of teens stood outside the Arcade, "We will!" Ashlyn shouted back, waving.

The group stepped through the arcade doors, Taylor turned towards the redhead. "Are you sure you'll be okay, Ashlyn?"

The ravenette reached back, tightening the hold on her ponytail. "Yeah, we're celebrating, I don't want you to be uncomfortable the whole time." Her hands fell into her blue jeans.

The redhead pulled a headset over her ears, "These are pretty good at canceling out noise. I should be fine. Plus, I've never been to an arcade so I'm kind of curious."

"Me too." Logan said timidly, but excited.

The teens skimmed through the game choices that were provided, a certain one catching Elaine's eye. The basketball game. 'Hm.'

Noticing this, Aiden remembered the times they were in study group and she had threw balled up papers across the room, trying to get them in the garbage.

"I could beat you." The blond provoked, standing next to the girl.

She tilted her head, "How much you wanna bet?" The smirk on her lips and the look in her eyes made his widen, a light blush across his cheeks.

The two found their way over to the game. Meanwhile, Taylor watched the two, a sly grin on her face. "Hehe."

"What?" Tyler whispered to his sister, confused. She pointed to the two then made a heart with her hands, "Oh....Oh!" He laughed and joined the others.

Elaine and Aiden went against each other in basketball. Winning, she went against Tyler, to which she lost. "Damn."

"Hah!" The brunette exclaimed, throwing his arms up.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, "Aiden still owes me a twenty." She pointed.

"Ack!" Logan held his face, the puck falling to the floor after hitting his face.

"Pft-!" Aiden stopped himself from laughing.

Ashlyn placed down the blue pusher. "Logan, are you okay?"


"Nice arm!" Elaine laughed at the high points Ben received from the punch. Taylor clapped her hands together, cheering him on. Aiden crouched down to the ticket dispenser, watching them pile up.

Logan turned his head, seeing a group of people walk in the arcade. He then tapped his ravenette friend's arm, gaining her attention. "Elaine..."

"What's up, Lo?" She nicknamed, turning to the door. "Shit."

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now