4.22| EXES

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part twenty two


Now playing
Exes by Tate McRae

italics means flashback —

Unlike Ashlyn thought, Elaine didn't come back like. Neither did the Clark cousins. This wasn't the first time this has happened with the ravenette teen. Six times her ninth grade year, and seven in eighth. The redhead knew what happened after each of 'em.

'God damn it, Elaine.' Ashlyn hid her phone in her book and texted the three missing teens.


Where are you and Ben?

Class is nearly over

Sorry, we'll see you guys at lunch :D


'Damn' She thought, then switching the contact over to Elaine's.


Where are you

"Of course." She sighed under her breath. She looked back at Taylor who just shrugged and continued writing on the paper on her desk.

The bell rung and class was dismissed. Ashlyn walked up to the teachers desk to hand in her homework. The sunlight shined over her shoulders, casting her shadow on the desk, showing her new haircut in the shadow.

"Thank you—" Mr. Thomas' eyes narrowed at her shadow.

"Mr. Thomas?"

"Hurry up." Tyler said, standing at the doorway with his sister and Logan.

"How about shut up?" Ashlyn walked up to them.

"Elaine Anders." The school principal, Mr. Clifton, looked the girl in the eye. "You are like a pebble in my shoe. I shake my foot, I think I've gotten it out. Then, damn, there it is again."

"Maybe you should watch where you step." She replied, slouching back in the seat, arms crossed over her chest that had bandages wrapped around fists. Dried blood laid under her nostrils, and a busted lip.

"You were doing so good." He started, "You haven't gotten into fights for over a year. What happened?"

Elaine sighed and sat in silence until she finally spoke, not wanting to be here long. "Well..."

"Barron, you fucking dick!" Elaine marched to the dark brunette, pushing him back against the lockers he stood at.

"The fuck is your problem?" Barron cussed, looking down at the girl. "Ya' mad that I was talking to your little boyfriend?" He laughed.

Her face contorted, "Logan's not my boyfriend."

"Not the nerd. Tyler." Barron laughed again, leaning cockily against the locker, looking down on the girl in front of him. "Why him, huh? To get back at me?"

"Boyfriend my ass. And if I was dating someone, why would it have shit to do with you?" She spat, pulling him by his shirt collar, "Why? Why— because you're that insecure? Because you think that if I do something somewhat different, it's for you?" A toothy grin spread across her lips. "God damn it. You're delusional as a motherfucker." Elaine laughed in his face, anger still rising.

Barron's eyes met hers, glancing down at her lips then back up, "You want me back that badly, huh?" The chuckle he let out sent her through the roof.

Elaine balled her fist and jabbed him in the gut, sending him into the floor. She threw another punch to his eye and another to his nose, repeatedly hooking him in the face with her bloodied fist.

The boy managed to get a few sloppy hits in, one in the nose and one in the lip, the last one missed.

People crowded around the two, phones out and recording. Ooh's and ahh's, oof's and ohh's echoed out in the pit of students watching the two rivals at play.

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now