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this chapter isn't a part if the main plot.
Just something bc I haven't posted in a while and feel bad.

"Just balance." Elaine groaned, her foot planted on the center of her skateboard; hands gripping the blond's elbows, so he doesn't crumble down. "It's not hard to do. You did just fine on the grass."

"Some teacher you are." Aiden chuckled, his hands shaking on her shoulders, both his feet on the board.

"You said you wanted to learn." She shrugged, "Not my fault you picked me to teach you." The board wobbled under their feet for a second until it balanced again. Without his knowledge, she slowly moved her foot from between his feet, back next time her other one on the concrete.

"Well, you're the only person I know that ska—WOAH!" The board rolled from under his feet, making him fall on his back. Also bringing the ravenette down with him.

Elaine fell beside him, "Rude." She groaned, rolling over and jumped to her feet.

"Sorry." Aiden flashed an apologetic smile. The two watched the board roll down the driveway, hitting the curb across the street. "I'll get it," he laughed, hopping to his feet.

Sorry pookies.. but i will try to update soon i promise

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now