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Edited: December 3, 2023

Now playing
Under The Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers

"Since Savannah, what happened has been recurring every night. At twelve AM the sky turns red. It becomes lifeless and mute, and shadow-like monsters start to roam around. Because Ash originally thought the sound they made were phantom noises, we decided to call the creatures- PHANTOMS"

"Phantoms?" Elaine's little brother, Spencer, said as he sat on the living room couch.

"Phantoms. Yes." The older sister gave him a confused look on his question. "What? You don't like the name?" She laughed.

The black haired boy shrugged, "I have a better name." "And what would that be?" "Geralds." The two stared at each other in amusement.

"Geralds it is." "Continue the story."

"We've figured out a few things during the past couple weeks of this happening."

"For seven hours, we're stuck there. Even though time is moving there, time is stopped at twelve AM in our world."

"This place is influenced by our world, but doesn't physically influence ours."

"How?" Spencer asked, intrigued in his new bedtime story.

"Let's say that if I were to move a box here- it would move to that spot in the other world." She explained. "But if I move a box in the Gerald world, it wouldn't move here."

"Ohhh." The boy nodded, "I get it. But what about if you get hurt? What happens?"

"Well...Injuries that happen in the Gerald world can be felt but not seen in our world. And vice-versa."


We always return where we left off in each world."


Elaine opened her eyes, a dizzy feeling fogging over them. She felt arms around her head and shoulders, pulled against someone. Quickly, she pushed the person away when Ashlyn whisper-yelled, "duck!"

Everyone crouched down on either side of the bus aisle. Ben, Elaine, and the twins on one side. Ashlyn, Logan, and Aiden on the other.

"Still here?" Tyler asked Ashlyn as he knelt next to his sister. The redhead nodded in response.

"What do we do?" Taylor sweatdropped.

Ignoring the whispering squabble, the ravenette peaked between the seat in front of her and the side of the bus, spotting the box of weapons.

Very quietly, making no noise to make sure to not attract the attention of the other teens, the girl slid under the seats and started to army crawl to the front of the bus. She grunted lowly as she slid from underneath the seat slightly, her bottom half still underneath.

A silver and black pistol that laid on the floor next to the wooden box, which caught her eye. The girl grabbed the weapon and quickly checked the ammunition, as silent as possible.

'Two bullets. Shit.', she slid back underneath the seat fully, her hand gripped on the gun. She saw the others do the same as Ashlyn looked at her with a finger over her lips. 'Oh fuckin' hell. Ones in here.'

The sound of multiple pairs of claws climbed into the bus, each time one of the two moved a ear scratching noise echoed around. 'Two?'

Ashlyn tried to move closer to the weapon box but her knee scraped against the floor. She turned her head to the space behind her, looking for the phantom.

Little did she know, it was right in front of her...

"Ashlyn!" "Not good!"

The Hernandez twins yelled seeing the redhead in danger. But this attracted the other phantom to the two. Noticing this, the hazel eyed girl looked between the three who were being cornered.

"Get the weapons!" The redhead yelled, a phantom's claw gripped on her longly braided hair.

"Uh- little trouble!" Tyler gripped his sister's arm, pulling her close. The phantom nearing the two.

Elaine raised the gun with both hands, finger on the trigger. She looked between Ashlyn and the twins, debating on which phantom to shoot first, fright written down her face.

"Laine!" The blond male whisper-yelled to the girl, catching her attention. He pointed to the monster that was crawling to the twins as they backed to the bus wall. "That one."

Understanding what he meant, she lined the pistol up at the crawling monster. She watched as it neared the twins. She looked at the two teenagers, Taylor looked at her with pleading eyes, Tyler did the same and nodded his head, meaning 'just do it'

So thats what she did.


She aimed the pistol and pulled the trigger. A loud ringing sounded through the teens ears. A bullet broke through one of the bus windows, sending it into pieces. This gained the attention away from the twins and the redhead to the ravenette.

'One bullet left. Don't miss.'

The first phantom started to crawl from underneath the bus seats while the other started to run to the hazel eyed girl.


The monster slammed down to the floor, goo seeping from the front of its head as it laid dead.

The other monster had climbed out from the seats and went to run to the girl, but before it could Aiden clasped ahold of its clawed arms and swung it over his body and into the smashed window.


"Close the window!" The blond shouted, laying back on one of the seats with the monster's head in the window.

Ashlyn and Logan ran to him and clicked the locks and slammed the window down hard, holding the monster in place. But when they did, the phantom's claw slipped from his grip.


Geralds is what my friend from school calls the phantoms


𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now