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part ten


Now playing
Hayloft by Mother Mother

'I knew I saw something.' Elaine leaned against the wall, stabilizing her breathing. "According to Tyler, that would be the 'prank' from earlier." Aiden sassed with a smile. Which earned him a hard glare from the brunette.

"Ah!" Taylor shouted, "Emma is still in there!" Elaine squatted down to the ground holding her wounded leg, trying to keep pressure on it with the torn pajama pant leg over it.

"I dont think she's in there." Ashlyn theorized, "She would have come out by now, or at least yelled." She turned to the ravenette on the ground, "She wasn't in there, right?" To which she shook her head as she stood from her spot with a slight limp, but almost unnoticeable.

Aiden hummed, leaning off the door, "Now that you mention it, it's weird that no one at all has come outside after all the screaming and banging." The doorknob wiggled and opened but Ben and Elaine held onto the door, hard, causing a loud thud.

"Hehe. That could've been bad." The blonde chuckled. 'Would he shut up?!' The ravenette pushed harder on the door, turning her knuckles white.

"COULD'VE?" Tyler shouted. "Stop taking this as a joke! It's been bad! The sky is red for crying out loud!"

"Well whining isn't gonna do anything." "And laughing about it is?!"

"Guys..." Taylor gulped. "...look down..." she shivered at the sight.

Several shadow monsters stood at the bottom in the parking lot, grinning mercilessly at the teens. "Great work Tyler, you attracted more." Elaine groaned as the monsters charged toward them.

"How far away is your room?" Ashlyn shuddered.

Aiden sweat dropped, "About five or six rooms down?" He shrugged.

Running of the monsters down below and scratching from the ones behind the door was the only sound other than the heavy breathing of the seven teenagers. The two in the room pulled at the door again pulling Ben and Elaine with them slightly.

"Aiden, give me the string from your shorts." Ashlyn said walking over to the hazel eyed girl and kneeling in front of her, pulling the drawstring out of her pants. "Thanks." She stood and grabbed the string from Aiden.

"I have a plan."


𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now