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Edited: December 3, 2023

Now playing
Cigarette Daydream by Cage The Elephant


"Bus is here!" Wade yelled from the kitchen.

"Crap." Elaine ran down the stairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a Monster and slipped it in the side pocket of her bag. "Bye dad, Love you." She ran out the door, shoelaces dragging.

"Love you, Gummy Bear!" He waved, making her wave back as she closed the door.

Elaine plugged her headphones in and pressed shuffle on her playlist as the bus pulled up to a larger house, two boys walked through the front door to the bus. A tall brunette and a tall, but shorter blonde, walked down the aisle, deciding to sit in the seat behind the ravenette.

"Hi." The blond spoke to the girl in front of him. She rolled her eyed and turned her head to the window ignoring the stranger.

The bus started moving again and pulled up to a house that was little ways down. 'Ashlyn's house.' The hazel eyed girl thought to herself.

Said girl dashed through the door of her house to the bus holding a silver, thermal cup. She walked through the crowded aisle, upon reaching her seat she saw the new guys, one gawking at the junkyard of busses and the other holding him back.

Ashlyn sat next to Elaine, both girls gave each other small smiles as a greeting. They didn't have assigned seats and didn't have to sit next to each other but always did. Ashlyn thought of her as a quiet girl with a sense of humor, so she sat next to her, wanting silence. Which worked for them both.

"Hi!" The blonde boy peaked his head between the two girls, startling the redhead only making the ravenette groan under her breath.

The three made eye contact. His loud voice made Ashlyn fall against Elaine. "Gah!"

"Is that your house?" The boy pointed. "What's up with the whole 'Bus Graveyard' thing?"

Ashlyn sat up straight, mumbling a soft 'sorry' to Elaine. "It's just a junkyard with a bunch of run down busses." The ravenette said, skipping over a few songs in her playlist."

"Thats it?" "Pretty much."

"That's disappointing." The blondes face dropped but kept the smile. "I was hoping for some kind of lore of paranormal jazz." He flopped back in his seat.

"Well, good luck." Elaine said, sarcasm seeping through her teeth, wanting for this conversation to end. "Not much else...."

"Anyway." 'Take a fucking hint!' "Im Aiden." He introduced himself, peering over the seat again. "This is my cousin, Ben." Elaine waved, not turning in her seat, already knowing who he was referring to. "We just moved here a week ago, or so, from Virginia."

"Can't remember what town it was though. Oh hey! We live just a house down from you! And you!" He turned to the other girl. "I've seen you across the street, fixing stuff with your dad, right?" She nodded, fidgeting with her headphone cord around her fingers. "Since we live so close...we should hang out often." Aiden requested.

"Sorry." Ashlyn put her hand up, "Nothing personal but, I'm a bit tired and not in much of a 'conversational mood' right now."

Aiden smirked, "It's fine." He hummed. "Y'all are just shy~"

The girls both glanced at each other through the corners of their eyes, both thinking the same thing: 'This guy can't be serious.' "Its alright, I'm good at talking, so it'll be fine." He grinned.

Elaine scoffed, "Yeah, I can tell." She let out a small chuckle.

All the way off the bus and into the school, Aiden yapped his head off, walking with his cousin, behind the two girls. "Woah this is a small school." He thought out loud.

Ashlyn opened her thermal cup, going to drink from it. Elaine decided to do the same and grabbed the energy drink from the side pocket of her bag, a small spritz sprayed when she opened the tab.

Ben yanked on Aiden's shirt and pointed to the office door. "Oh right, we gotta pick our schedules- up?"
The two girls vanished from the boys sights. The two stood in the hallway, questioning looks on their faces.

"Ha..." Loud laughter suddenly filled the hall, "HAHA! Those two are fast." He grinned mercilessly.

𝘉𝘈𝘚𝘐𝘊 𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘊𝘛 a. clarkWhere stories live. Discover now